A chimp threw rhesus feces at zoo visitors because he wanted E.T. to GO Home!   PainfulPuns.com - Crappy Puns, Bathroom Humor, Sh*itty Jokes!

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A belch is just a gust of wind that comes from the heart, but when it takes the downward trend, it turns into a fart!
Q. What do you call a bathroom superhero? A. Flush Gordon!
Q. How can you tell if a woman is wearing panty hose? A. If she farts, her ankles swell up!
Q. Why did the elephant bring toilet paper to the party? A. Because he was a party pooper!


Bathroom Humor, Funny Crap Jokes, Toilet Puns
Scoop up pooper dooper puns, lavatory laughs, turdy bathroom jokes and crappy toilet humor.

Toilet Jokes, Sh*tty Puns, Bathroom Laughs
(Because Shitty Toilet Jokes Could Never Be TOO Mainstream and Turdy Puns May Make You Rush to Flush!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Peril! Water closet humor, stinking funny jokes, and crap-tastic puns ahead.
| Bathroom Jokes, Toilet Humor, Potty Puns and Crappy Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| Toilet Humor | Toilet Paper Jokes | Urine Jokes, Pee Puns, #1 Humor | Potty Training Jokes |
| Turd Jokes, Crap Puns | Constipated Jokes | Diarrhea Jokes | Outhouse Jokes, Porta Potty Puns |
| Men's Room Jokes | Ladies Room LOLs | Bath Time LOLs | Animal Poop Puns | Fertilizer Jokes |
| Fart Jokes and Funny Flatulence | Sewer Humor | Superhero Loo LOLs | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes |

Q. Why do toilets run? A. They never learned how to job!Q. How do you get a tissue to dance? A. Put a little boogie in it!Gorilla Says: Life starts out with everyone cheering when you poop, and drastically goes down hill from there!

Q. Why doesn't Chuck Norris have to flush the toilet?
A. He scares the sh*t out of it!

Q. What is green and smelly?
A. Incredible Hulk poop!

Q. Why are Ninja farts so dangerous?
A. Because they are silent, yet deadly!

Diarrhea Point to Ponder: Can eating prunes give you a run for your money?

Q. Why do dogs always stop to sniff anonymous dog sh*t?
A. It's aromatic poop-pourri to them.

Q. Why do research centers only supply one-ply toilet paper?
A. Because that leads to more breakthroughs.

Did you hear about the guy who sat down to take take a dump and realized there was no toilet paper? It scared the shit out of him, so he didn't really have to wipe in the end.

Q. Why did the toilet paper win big in Vegas?
A. Because it was on a roll!

Q. What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
A. He wiped his butt.

Two flies are sitting on a pile of poop. One fly farts, and the other fly yells, "Hey, I'm trying to eat here!"

Q. Why was the guy alarmed after using the toilet and taking a really huge dump?
A. Because he feared he lost one turd of his weight.

Q. What is an example of a small thing that isn't fully appreciated until it's gone?
A. Toilet paper.

Two dogs meet on the street and do a ritual sniff. One turns to the other and says, "I don't recall your name, but the feces familiar."

Q. Why did they install toilets at the garbage heap? A. Because lots of people go dump there!Toilet Meme: A good relief map shows where the restrooms are.Q. What is brown and sounds like a bell? A. Dung

If pizzas were manhole covers, the sewer would be paradise. – Ed Norton

Q. Why did the apathetic old man hope he'd finally die of constipation?
A. So that people would know he didn't give a shit, all the way to the bitter end.

Understatement of the Day: Constipation can be a serious problem. No Shit!

Q. When shouldn't you tell a stinking funny poop joke?
A. When it's just too crappy.

Toilet Paper: What a rip off!

Q. What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
A. You look flushed!

Poop is a crap palindrome.

Q. What happens when kids are playing in the garden and don't tell you they have to use the toilet?
A. They soil themselves.

Bathroom Pick-Up Line: My love for you is just like a fart. I just can't hold it in.

Wanna hear a diarrhea joke? Oh, wait! Please hold that thought...

Chimp Asks: How many animals can you fit on a toilet? A. One pussy and 1000 hares!If you're Russian when you go into the bathroom and Finnish when you come out, what are you in the bathroom? A. European!Q. Why did the superhero flush the toilet? A. It was his doody!

Q. How many plumbers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two. One to get the beer, and another to call an electrician.

Q. Why are the urologist's pee jokes always so funny?
A. Because he always goes with the flow.

Sign at the Urologist Office: Urine Good Hands.

Q. What happens when you miss the toilet bowl?
A. Urine trouble with your wife.

#1 Point to Ponder: When pee jokes are not funny, why don't we get pissed off?

With age comes the skill of multi-tasking. Soon you'll be able to laugh, cough, sneeze and pee all at the same time.

Q. How is getting an Amber Alert while you're on the toilet like winning the lottery?
A. Those alerts are designed to scare the crap out of you!

Q. Why is #1 yellow?
A. Because it's afraid of #2!

Q. What did the poop say to the fart?
A. Wow, you just blew me away!

Q. What do you call Clark Kent with diarrhea? A. Pooperman!Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. Q. What would you expect to find in Superman's bathroom? A. The Superbowl!

Q. How did one guy get over his chronic diarrhea?
A. He made some positive lifestyle changes and really got his shit together.

Q. When is the best time to have diarrhea?
A. When you're playing Scrabble, 'cause that's worth a shit load of points.

Bowel Movement Point to Ponder: Are you emotionally constipated if you just don't give a crap?

Q. What is the most productive time to take your dog for a walk?
A. Poo-thirty.

Q. What kind of bathroom humor do butts like best?
A. Shitty jokes.

Q. What is the German term for constipation?
A. Farfrompoopin.

Q. What do you call it when you get diarrhea after eating at a German restaurant?
A. The wurst.

Potty Point to Ponder: Are people who constantly talk about constipation just full of crap?

Q. What do you call a 12-inch turd?
A. A foot stool!

Q. What did the little turd say to the big fart?
A. Wow, you just blew me away!

Q. What do you call a dog that eats another dog's feces?
A. Pooper scooper.

Q. Which chocolate brown frozen confection dog treat never made it to market?
A. Poopsicles.

Q. Why is animal poop sexy?
A. Because the birds and bees doo it.

| Bathroom Jokes, Toilet Humor, Potty Puns, Crappy Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| Toilet Jokes | 2 | Toilet Paper Jokes and TP Puns | Urine Jokes, Pee Puns, and #1 Humor |
| Turd Jokes and Crap Puns | 2 | Constipation Jokes and Proctologist Puns | Diarrhea Jokes |
| Shower Jokes, Bath Puns | Potty Trained Puns | Porta Potty Jokes and Outhouse Puns |
| Men's Room Jokes | Ladies Room Humor | Butt Jokes | Underwear Laughs | Yellow Jokes |
| Fart Jokes and Funny Flatulence | Gas Station Jokes | Smelly Jokes, Stinking Funny Puns |
| Plumber Jokes and Sewer Humor | Superhero Loo | 2 | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes | Janitor Jokes |

| Animal Poop Puns | Fertilizer Jokes, Garden Manure Humor, and Crappy Gnome Puns |

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