Scrambling for an egg joke, but I can't seem to whip one up. - Painful Puns, Punny Funs, Groaners, Ouch!

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Painful Puns, Achy Jokes, Punny Groaner Funs
Damage yourself silly with grating groaner jokes, word play humor, and bitterly funny puns.

Painful Puns and Groaner Jokes – Ouch!
(Because Egg-splosive Puns That Really Stink Could Never Be TOO Mainstream at the Cheese Counter!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Peril! Painful jokes, stinging humor, and headache-producing puns ahead.
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I was overcharged for velcro. What a rip off!Proctologists reASSure patients their problem can be rectified. (Ouch!)Scrambling for an egg joke, but just can't seem to whip one up. Guess I'm fried?

Years ago, that guy was a velcro salesman, but he just could not stick with it.

Punful Groaner of the Day: Bummer, the guy who invented Velcro recently passed away. RIP...

Q. Which kind of loyal birds always stick together?
A. Vel Crows!

Q. Why can't you hear a psychiatrist using the bathroom?
A. Because the P is silent.

Ass-tounding Pun: Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary? Yes, it runs in your jeans.

Q. What do you call somebody who might get you into hot water?
A. A cannibal.

Q. Who tells the clucking punniest chicken jokes?
A. A comedi-hen.

Q. What happens when you drop a hand-gren-egg?
A. It egg-splodes!

Q. What is a halfway home?
A. Second base.

A pet store had a bird contest, with no perches necessary.Cheesy Joke: Somebody Threw Cheese at Me... Really Mature!Gnome Meme: Old Botanists Never Die, They Just Go to Pot

Q. Why did the parrot wear a rain coat?
A. She wanted to be polly unsaturated.

Q. What is a parrot's favorite game?
A. Hide 'N Speak!

Q. Which geometric figure represents a lost parrot?
A. A polygon!

Q. Why didn't the cheese want to be sliced?
A. It had grater plans.

Q. What does cheese like to drink?
A. Morbier.

Q. What are cheese puffs made of?
A. Wotsit matter.

Q. What do you call a potato that smokes weed?
A. A baked potato!

Q. What do you call a grumpy, short-tempered ganja gardener?
A. A Snap Dragon.

Stoner pick-up line: Weed be cute together.

Painful Pun: Jokes About German Sausage Are The Wurst!What do you call a country where everybody drives a red car? A red carnation.Q. What Did the Coach Say to His Losing Team of Snakes? A. You Can't Venom All!

Wurst Hulk Humor: Local media may relish this story?

Q. How does The Hulk describe Painful superhero Puns?
A. Tear-able, Terrible, and Terror-able!

Q. What is The Hulk's favorite part of this joke?
A. The Punch Line!

And, a land where everybody has to live in their cars is called Incarnation.

Q. What do you call a place where commuters balk at public transportation?
A. In-Car-Nation.

An Audi, a Lexus, and a Cadillac roll into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, "What? Is this some kind of a joke?"

Q. What does an exhibitionist snake wear to the beach?
A. A Pythong!

Q. What is it called when a rattlesnake can't produce venom?
A. E-reptile dysfunction!

Q. How does a snake shoot something?
A. With a boa and arrow.

Two Fish Are in a Tank. One Asks the Other: "How Do You Drive This Thing?"What kind of lettuce was served on the Titanic? IcebergI'm a true gnome nonsense meme

Q. What party game do fish like to play?
A. Salmon Says.

Q. Where do some fish work?
A. At their offish.

Q. What do you call it when you’re watching only one fish swim around in the pond?
A. Two sides of the same koi.

A man goes to his doctor with a piece of lettuce stuck in his ear. Doc shakes his head and says, "That's just the tip of the iceberg."

Q. What do you call a hen with a piece of lettuce in her eye?
A. Chicken sees-a salad.

Q. What did Letuce say to Celery?
A. Quit stalking me!

Gnome doubt he is a meme. And, there is plenty of nonsense here, too.

Q. What is a gnome's favorite subject in school?
A. Gnome Room.

Q. Why are some garden gnomes R-rated?
A. Because they're into insects and violets.

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| Brewed Puns | Fried Funs | Puns That'll Bug You | Soda Funny Puns | Puns to Wine About |
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| Hairy Puns | Artistic Funs | Stellar Puns | Pirate Groans | Puns That Smart | Spaced Out Puns |
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