Batman asks: What does Batgirl wear to bed? A. Her Dark Knight Gown! - Monstrously Funny, Hulking Pun Jokes, Ouch!

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Q. What does Batgirl wear to the superhero ball? A. Her Dark Knight Gown!
Q. What is Gotham City's safest day of the week? A. Baturday!
Q. How is Batman like false teeth? A. He comes out at night!
Q. Why did Batman go to the men's room? A. Because he's Bathman!


Batman Humor, Super Puns, Powerful Jokes
Trivial Bruce Wayne jokes, superhero puns, batty humor and funny Batman one-liners.

Batman Jokes, Superhero Humor, Pow Puns
(Because "Holy @#$%&!, Batman" is Far TOO Mainstream Now – And This Isn't Even the Sequel!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Risk! Batman smells, Robin laid an egg! It's stuck in your head now, right?
| POW! Batman Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Superman Jokes | Spider-Man Puns | DC Comics Humor |
| Batman Chat Ups | Superhero Pick-Up Lines | 2 | The Hulk Hookups | Superman Come-Ons |
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Q. What does Batman do for exercise? A. AeroBATics!Q. Why did Batman go into the men's room? A. H guano do his duty!Q. What is Batman's favorite part of this joke? A. The punch line!

Q. Which superhero is the best cricket player?
A. Batman.

Gotham City Point to Ponder: How do you know I'm NOT Batman considering that nobody has ever seen Batman and me in the same room?

Batman Reverse Psychology Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, I'm Batman so I don't need cheesy hookup lines!

Q. How many caped crusaders does it take to put down a toilet seat?
A. Seriously? That's part of Alfred's job description.

Batman: I need to find a bathroom.
Robin: What is a hroom?

Q. Why did Batman rush off to the Batcave?
A. He urgently had to go to the Batroom.

BTW, Sham Wow may clean up some messes, but it takes a superhero to de-stink the crapper puns here.

Q. Why isn't Batman a hot chef?
A. Because his utility belt doesn't include condiments and salsa.

Batman Pick-Up Line: Gotham City might need a vigilante, but tonight I just need those vigilantitties.

Q. Why did all the photos at Batman's party come out dark? A. He forgot to invite the Flash!Batman Says: Keep Calm! Pretend today isn't Monday!Q. What powers Batman? A. Bat-teries!

A Batty Point to Ponder: How does Gotham City signal for Batman's help if there is a daytime crime?

Q. What does Robin say when Bruce Wayne returns to the cave?
A. Welcome Bat!

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, I see that Robin and I aren't the only dynamic duo in town tonight.

Q. Who was the first cosplayer ever?
Bruce Wayne!

Q. How does Batman like to spend his disposable income?
A. On Bat-mo-bills.

Quote from Original TV Batman in the Batmobile: Salt and corrosion. The infamous old enemies of the crime fighter.

Q. Which circus act does Batman enjoy most?
A. The Acro-bats!

Q. Why did Robin pick up the Batphone?
A. Because it bat-a-rang.

Pick-Up Batman Line: Hey big guy, is that the Batphone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Batman's foe says: Batter's Up! Batman says: POW!Q. What does Batman say when he needs to cuss somebody out? A. You Batstard!Batman says: Broncos kick butt, not bat! Ouch! Go Broncos!

Q. What does the commissioner say when he calls the Bat Phone?
A. It bat-ta ring!

Crafty Beer Quote from Original TV Batman: Not you, Robin. They have strict licensing laws in this country. A boy of your age is not allowed in this drinking tavern.

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, once you go Bat, you'll never go back!

Q. How did Batman get out of Purgatory in Gotham City?
A. He posted Christian Bail.

Q. Where does Batman keep his pet goldfish?
A. In a bat tub!

Q. Why did Bruce Wayne bow out of the poker game?
A. Because the dealer said the Joker was wild.

Q. Why does Batman always lick the beaters?
A. Because he likes cookie batter!

Q. What does The Hulk say when he's at a loss for words?
A. Batman!

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, the Bat hasn't been in the Batcave for awhile, if you know what I mean...

Q. Why did Bruce's dentist give him mouthwash? A. He had bat breath!Q. What do you get if you combine Robin and Vita-Mix? A. Robin, the Bloy Blender!Batman Says: The Sunday comic do not belong in your birdcage until Monday!

Q. What does Batman put in his whiskey?
A. Just ice!

Q. Why did Bruce Wayne have such a hard time getting a date the same night he solved a major crime?
A. Because he had bat breath.

Q. What did Batman get from Batgirl on Valentine's Day?
A. Mixed Signals.

Q. Which Batman movie sequel do rich people hate?
Batman and Robinhood.

Q. How would Batman keep up his lifestyle if Adam West wasn't rich?
A. Perhaps he'd be Robin.

Q. What's the difference between a robber and Batman?
A. Batman can go into a bank without Robin.

Q. What does Batman ask the guy at the deli counter?
A. Got Ham?

Q. What is Batman's New Years Resolution?
A. Um, Batman doesn't make resolutions; he enforces them!

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, when you've have Batman once, you'll want Batman Forever!

| POW! Batman Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Superman Jokes | Spider-Man Puns | DC Comics Humor |
| Batman Chat Ups | Superhero Pick-Up Lines | 2 | The Hulk Hookups | Superman Come-Ons |
| Superhero Jokes, Caped Crusader Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Supervillain Jokes |

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| Superhero Loo LOLs | 2 | Female Superheroes |
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