Q. What do you call a doped-up Pikachu? A. Tokemon!   PainfulPuns.com - Pot Puns, Weed Jokes, Green Grow-ners!

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Hulk Asks: What do you call a killer cannabis comedian? A. The Grim Reefer!
Q. What do you call it when two best buds laugh uncontrollably? A. A bro-ha-ha!
Q. Who is Hulk's favorite band? A. Green Day!
Hulk Says: Happy High Day!


Incredible Hulk Humor = Green Stoner Jokes
Green up your cannabis comedy, Incredible pothead puns, Hulk humor and Banner weed jokes.

Weed Jokes, Incredible Pot Puns, Hulking Humor
(Because Going Big When You're Going Green Could Never Be TOO Mainstream, If You're Already in Colorado!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Big Time Going Green IS Funny in Colorado, but do NOT get angry in Nebraska!
| Incredible Green Hulk | Spaced Out Aliens | Gnome Grown Weed Jokes | Gnome Pothead Puns |

| Weed Jokes and Cannabis Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Blunt Weed Humor | 2 |
| Legal Weed Jokes | Colorado Cannabis Jokes | Mile High Buzz | Stoner Pick-Up Lines | 2 | 3 |

| Pot Poetry, Marijuana Mantras | Ganja Music Jokes | Pot Party Puns | Weedy Funny Munchies |
| Funny Stoner Monkeys | 2 | Animal Pothead Puns | Weed Light Bulb Jokes | Happy 420 Jokes |

Old Horticulturists Never Die, They Just Go to PotHulk Says: Call me Spider-Man because I'm in love with Mary Jane!Hulk Asks: What do you call a stoner with two spliffs? A. Double Jointed!

Sometimes you're as mad as The Hulk, but then the weed kicks in... No wonder Colorado is a Banner state!

When David Banner gets mad, he turns into Colorado?

Going green, Colorado style, is how The Hulk mellows back into Bruce.

Q. Why did The Incredible Green Hulk visit Painful pot Puns?
A. To pick up on so many hot cannabis come-ons.

When David Banner gets mad, he turns into Denver, Colorado. When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into Boulder.

Q. Why did the Incredible Green Hulk cross the road to get to Colorado?
A. To get to the recreational marijuana store on the other side.

Q. What do you call blows from the Green Hulk when he's angry?
A. Pot shots.

Q. Why is the Mona Lisa still smiling?
A. Because the Incredible Hulk didn't go green until the 1970s.

Did you hear Chuck Norris once arm wrestled The Hulk? The winner got go green!

Poetic Incredible Hulk Wisdom of the Day: Green ganja grass really kicks your ass.

Q. Why doesn't David Banner ever get angry when he's in Colorado?
A. Because he always comes in on the high road.

Q. What diagnosis did Bruce Banner get get from his doctors after consuming Gamma Green cannabis edibles?
A. Toxic Waist!

Hulk Asks: What do you call a horny stoner? A. A Weed Whacker!Gnoming Green: Gnome & Hulk Before and AfterHulk Asks: What do you call a killer cannabis comedian? A. The Grim Reefer!

Q. Which pot shop does Bruce Banner frequent when filming in Colorado's high country?
A. The Green Room.

Hulking Point to Ponder: If you laugh at incredible weed jokes, but groan at angry pot puns, do you have high standards?

Q. What do potheads call tension scenes in an episode of The Incredible Hulk?
A. High drama.

Bruce Banner, right before he turns into The Hulk: Sorry for my bluntness, that's just how I roll.

Brief Green Hulk Poem: Weed.

Q. What does a David Banner call it when a jar full of joints falls off the shelf and hits him in the head, making him angry?
A. Blunt Trauma.

Most people fear the Grin Reaper. The Hulk considers him a promising rookie.

Q. What did Bruce Banner name his new pot shop in Boulder, Colorado?
A. One Hit Wonder.

The Hulk does not stub his toe when he's zoned green. He accidentally destroys chairs and furniture.

Hulk Asks: What do a cooked bird & a cowardly stoner have in common? A. They're both baked chickens!Hulk with Pot Leaves: Old Growers Never Die, They Just Go to SeedHulk Asks: How many stoners does it take to change a light bulb? A. Who Cares? It's too bright in here anyway!

Gamma Grass Taste Good! So, why Hulk so angry?

Bruce Banner Point to Ponder: Why is it so common to have problems re-hashing classic weed jokes?

Q. Why doesn't the Incredible Green Hulk ever have petty arguments?
A. Because he always takes the high road!

Q. Which Colorado pot shop does the Incredible Green Hulk patronize when visiting Breckenridge?
A. Higher Elevations.

Angry Hulk Point to Ponder: Why did they call it Reefer Madness considering potheads are always happy?

Q. How did The Hulk know it was time to bluntly get his anger under control?
A. He was itching to go green!

The Hungry Green Hulk once ate a whole cake before the frat boys could tell him there was a girl inside.

Q. Why did the hungry Green Incredible Hulk cross the road in Boulder?
A. To get to the Taco Bell on the other side.

Q. What did stoner Hulk say after the Green Gamma edibles hit him?
A. Life is what you bake it.

If the whole world smoke a joint at the same thime, there'd be world peace ... followed by a global food shortage!Hulk & Gnome Pot Humor: Gnoming Green, Before & AfterQ. What is the difference between a drunk and a stoner at a stop sign? A. The drunk runs it, but the stoner waits for it to turn green!

Q. Why is The Green Incredible Hulk such a good Internet gardener?
A. He always backs up his sage! And, he bides his thyme on Twitter.

Q. Beside the Green Hulk, which superhero is a bona fide pot head?
A. Spider-Man 'cause he's in love with Mary Jane.

Q. What stoners call a horny Incredible Hulk?
A. A Weed Whacker!

Q. What do stoners call the happy ending of an Incredible Hulk feature film?
A. Joint resolution.

Q. Which day of the week do does the Incredible Green Hulk enjoy the most?
A. WeedsDay.

Q. What is The Green Hulk's idea of a balanced diet?
A. A joint in each hand.

Colorado Cannabis Plea from David Banner: Help eradicate road rage in our lifetime!

A Big Green Point to Ponder: If The Hulk is so Incredible, how do his pants hang in there?

Rocky Mountain High Hulk Pick-Up Line: Hi there, I have a huge kush on you!

Colorado Cannabis Factoid: Nudists hate barely legal week jokes!

| Incredible Hulk Jokes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Spider-Man Puns | Super Chuck Norris Jokes |
| Incredible Green Hulk | Spaced Out Aliens | Gnome Grown Weed LOLs | Gnome Pothead Puns |

| Weed Jokes and Cannabis Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Blunt Weed Humor | 2 |
| Legal Weed Jokes | Colorado Cannabis Jokes | Mile High Buzz | Stoner Pick-Up Lines | 2 | 3 |

| Pot Poetry, Marijuana Mantras | Ganja Music Jokes | Pot Party Puns | Weedy Funny Munchies |
| Funny Stoner Monkeys | 2 | Animal Pothead Puns | Weed Light Bulb Jokes | Happy 420 Jokes |

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