Puns, Agonizing One-Liners, Punny Jokes
your punishment from groaner jokes, sick punch lines,
viral memes and pun-ful word play.
Ouch! Groaner Jokes, Painful Puns, Cheesy Humor
('Cause Painful Puns and Groaner
Jokes That Hurt So Good Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream
for a Laugh Dominatrix!) |
Proceed at Your Own Risk! Funny bone pads and forehead protection
strongly advised!
Hurt yourslf silly with stinking funny jokes, brain-throbbing puns,
slap happy humor, twisted LOLs and killer laughs.
Excruciating punch lines and face-palm puns ahead. Masochists,
note your pain IS self-inflicted. Ye Ouch!
Humor, stinking funny toilet
jokes, crappy memes
and sh*tty puns guaranteed
to make you flush with
laughter. And, if you sing in the shower, super
sing along with funny Music
Jokes, rocking punky
humor and bass-ic puns.
Jokes: Explore Rocky
Mountain humor,
hill areas weather
puns, Mile High Denver jokes,
wildlife puns, welcoming
tourism humor and Colorado
native jokes. Ascend
at your own risk because it's all downhill
from here.
funny Chef Jokes,
five-alarm kitchen puns, half-baked
munchies jokes, hot
cooking puns and beefy cooking
humor. Caution: Rich restaurant
jokes, fast food humor
and pickle puns are supposed
to cause belching! |
with bucking funny Denver
Broncos Jokes, hike country pony puns,
Mile High Stadium humor, offsides puns and winning Broncos
jokes with serious horsing around.
Riddles and Animal
Jokes that really do bite –
for all you good Sports
and Bigfoots out there. Plus,
tamer Pet Puns
your parrot will repeat, catty
jokes, and dog jokes to
dig your teeth into.
Jokes: Potent
laughs, beer jokes, toasted
puns, wine lovers jokes, wry
humor, vintage joking, Denver brew
pub jokes, and the best happy
hour humor – bar none.
Monstrously funny Hulk Humor
featuring angry observations, Banner puns and really
potted Green Grown-ers. Plus,
Batman jokes, Superman
puns, powerful superhero humor
and super painful puns! |
up on painful Daily
Puns, Sunday funnies,
Monday moans, Twos
Day groans, Weirds Day
whoas, Turds Day wursts, Frigging
Fried Day jokes, and Caturday
puns. So, why not just party
every single day of the week?
along with Sport Puns,
hit baseball humor, gym
jokes, dribbles of basketball
laughs, fishing puns,
golf humor, tennis
jokes you'll love, downhill ski
puns – and of course, mountains of Broncos
football jokes. |
Tech Humor: PC puns are the net
outcome, but not always the wrist scenario. (User also dishes
knuckle sandwiches for lunch.) Ouch! Cyber social
media jokes are too risque for PainfulPuns.com,
but Cyberman puns are Who-ly
timeless. |
Jokes, healthy humor, doctor
jokes, rotten dentist
puns, blurry eye doctor
jokes, insane shrink puns
and highly contagious laughter – STAT! Because surgeon
jokes are a real cut up and healthy laughs are the bloody
best medicine!
up on unconventional Hipster
Jokes, bad hair humor,
and painful fashion puns. Explore
sketchy artist jokes, play along
with hammy actor puns, or escape
this excruciating pain with magician
jokes and locksmith humor.
Funny Farm Puns that chickens
actually cross the road
for, horsing around, oinkers,
and moo-ving cow jokes drunk
ducks find hilarious. Warning:
The smell isn't the most painful thing here! |
out of 5 zombies recommend our
Scary Jokes,
frightful vampire puns, eerie
Bigfoot jokes, bewitched
humor, spooky Halloween jokes,
ghostly laughs and monstrously
funny puns that are sure to tickle your funny
Jokes. Learn to talk
like a Pirate, hook up with high
seas humor and world traveler puns,
or hit the road with travel
jokes. But, watch out for painful police
puns and even more painful lawyer
jokes! |

You're barely feeling the agony,
so here's more tormenting laughter,
humor, stinging jokes and irritating
painful puns that'll surly groan
on you:
Painful Puns, Groaner Jokes, and Unanswered Riddles...
Alien Jokes | Author
Humor | Bigfoot Jokes | Blonde
Jokes | Cents-Less Jokes |
Chef Puns | Cocktail
Jokes |
| Colorado Jokes | Crappy
Jokes | Crazy Puns | Donkey
Jokes | Fitness Groans | Gnome
Joke! | Groaner Puns |
| Hamburger Jokes | Hairy
Puns | Hipster Jokes | Lawyer
Jokes | Light Bulb Jokes | Money
Puns | Music Memes |
| Old Jokes | Pet Humor
| Pitiful Pick-Up Lines | Pirate
Jokes | Police Puns | Psychic
Jokes | Puns That Suck |
| Religion Jokes |
Seasonal Humor | Sci-Fi
Jokes | Sick Puns | Space
Jokes | Sports Jokes | Superhero
Jokes |
| Tech Support Puns | Travel
Jokes | UFO Jokes | Weed
Jokes | Wurst Puns | Site
Map | Joke Topics from A to
Z |
for stopping by and see you again soon!
us on social media and please
feel free to share our memes with friends and family:
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