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We need a day between Sunday & Monday. Let's call it Punday!
Posterized Sunflower Says: Happy Sunday!
T-Rex says: Dinsaurs do not like Sundays or other cosmic days!
Bottle of Beer Says: Happy Pun Day!
Fox Says: So It's Sunday? Zero Fox Given!


Fun Day Humor, Sunny Puns, Weekend Jokes
It's a day to rest, so enjoy Sunday funnies, fun day jokes and funny in the sun day puns.

Sunday Jokes, Weekend Puns, Fun Day Humor
(Because Sunny Fun Day Jokes Could Never Be TOO Mainstream After Sunset on Sunday Evening!)
Warning: The Weekend is Half Over! Hot dog jokes, heavenly humor, and Sunday punnies ahead.
| Day of the Week Jokes | Sunday Funday Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Mon-Dane Monday Jokes |
| Tuesday Jokes, Dudes Day Laughs, DOs Day Puns | Wednesday Jokes and Hump Day Humor |
| Thursday Jokes, Thors Daze Humor | Friday Jokes, Fri-Die Puns, TGIF Funs | Friday the 13th |
| Saturday Jokes, Sought Her Day Puns, Sat All Day LOLs | Caturday Puns | Daily Pick-Up Lines |

Hot Dog! It's Sunday!Grinning Cat Says: Yesterday Was Caturday, So I'm Just Chillin' In the Sun!Steak Says: Derar Sunday, You're the grill of my dreams!

Q. Why is Sunday such a fun day?
A. Because all you really have to do is sleep until you're hungry, and then eat until you feel sleepy.

Q. Why do hot dogs and Sundays go together so well?
A. Because that's not the wurst thing for a day at the ballpark.

Q. Why did the blonde think it was Sunday?
A. Duh, because the sun is out!

Q. Which day of the week do sunflowers adore?
A. Sunday!

Sunday Point to Ponder: If Sunday is a girl, why is her name Sol?

Sunday Pick-Up Line: Hey there, do you like hot dogs? 'Cause it's fun in the bun day.

Q. Which day of the week makes you happy in the morning and sad at bedtime?
A. Sunday.

Sunday Pick-Up Line: Hi babe, is your name Sunday? 'Cause you are looking blinding hot!

Sun and Wine Glass Say: Happy Sunday Fun Day!Happy Fun in the Bun Sunday!Q. Which Earth day did aliens fin first? A. Sunday!

Cheers! Here's to another fun in the sun Sunday! And if it's cloudy, Merlot can warm up your day.

Sunday Pick-Up Line: Hey there hottie, wanna be naughty this Sinday?

Q. Why is it called Fun in the Bun Sunday?
A. Because you don't have to roll out of bed too early.

Sunday Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, is your name Sunday? 'Cause you are my sunshine!

Sunday Point to Ponder: Is Sunday a weekend day on Alpha Centauri, too?

Sunday Pick-Up Line: Hey hottie, did the sun just come out, or did you just smile at me?

Beer Pitcher Says: Happy Fun in the Sun Day!Batman Says: The Sunday comic do not belong in your birdcage until Monday!Wine Glass Says: Happy Fun Day!

Q. What happens if you completely waste your Sunday?
A. You feel bad at midnight, and at 7:00 AM on Monday, too!

Sunday Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, is your name Sunne? 'Cause you sure have a heavenly body!

The reason the Sunday funnies shouldn't go in the birdcage until Monday is that Monday is not funny at all!

Q. How do you become a superhero during a Sunday football game?
A. Rescue a guy named Bud who's been trapped inside a bottle!

Sunday Mantra: If it rhymes with sun, it must be fun!

Sunday Point to Ponder: The only decision you have to make today is whether to have a glass or a bottle. Cheers!

Enjoy Fun Day before Monday gets here!Darkened Sun Says: Enjoy your Sunday before it's gone!Spider-Man Says: Happy Spunday!

Q. What is the nastiest word you can use on Sunday?
A. Monday!

Sunday Smile of the Day: Here's hoping your Sunday is so awesome that the rest of the week gets jealous!

Sunday Time Travel Point to Ponder: Is there a pause button for Sunday?

Q. What do you call that moment when Sunday stops feeling relaxing and you begin to feel Monday anxiety?
A. Smonday.

Sunday Trivia: Spiderman enjoys Sundays for the spuns and the puns!

Q. Why did the Sun smile on Sunday?
A. It saw the back side of the moon.

Batman Asks: Which days of the week are the strongest? A. Saturday & Sunday. The rest are week days!Dog wearing sunglasses says: Happy Sunday!Cheerful Sunflower Says: Happy Sunday!

Q. Why are the week days actually the strongest days of the week?
A. Because they all work out.

Q. Why did the blonde wear her Thank God It's Friday T-shirt on Sunday?
A. Because she found religion on Saturday night.

Q. What do you call somebody who only experiences extreme anxiety on Saturday and Sunday?
A. A weekend worrier.

Q. Why is Sunday happy?
A. Because it's not Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday!

| Daily Jokes | Sunny Sunday Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Mundane Monday Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| Tuesday | 2 | 3 | 4 | Wednesday Jokes, Hump Day Humor | 2 | 3 | 4 | Thursday Laughs | 2 | 3 |
Friday Fun | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Friday 13th | Saturday Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | Caturday | Daily Pick-Ups |
| Seasonal Holiday Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | Happy Birthday Party Humor | Gnome Holiday Party Jokes |
| Party Jokes, Celebration Humor, Shindig Puns | Holiday Food Jokes | Holiday Drnking Jokes |
| Valentine's Day Jokes | VD Day Pick-Up Lines | St. Patrick's Day Puns | Spring Holidays Jokes |
| Happy 420 Jokes | Party Animal Puns | Hot Summer Holiday Jokes | Autumn and Fall Puns |
| Halloween Puns | Halloween Treats | Spooky Come-Ons | Thanksgiving Jokes | Winter Holiday |
| Christmas Jokes | Santa Claus Jokes | Christmas Food Jokes | Elf LOLs | Xmas Chat Up Lines |
| Xmas Music | Christmas Animal Jokes | New Year's Jokes | Winter Humor | Winter Hookups

PainfulPuns Home
You're enjoying Funday, so here's even more bright humor, warm laughs,
sunny jokes, and glaring painful puns to begin the week with a rise:

More Painful Puns, Groaner Jokes, and Unanswered Riddles...

| Blonde Jokes | Brewed Puns | Cents-Less Puns | Coffee Jokes | Colorado Jokes | Fashion Jokes | Hair Jokes |
| Happy Hour Humor | Hipster Jokes | Money Puns | Music Jokes | Pick-Up Lines | Pirate Jokes | Psychic Jokes |
| Sci-Fi Jokes | Sports Jokes | Time Travel Jokes | UFO Jokes | Vacation Jokes | Weather Jokes | Wine Jokes |

Edible Puns, Fun with Food Bartender Puns, Bar HumorFrightful Puns, Scary Jokes
Animal Puns, Wildlife Humor Pot Puns, Weed Jokes, Green Grow-ners! Crappy Puns & Sh*tty Jokes!

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