Green Alien Asks: Who performs a killer cannabis comedy act? A. The Grin Reefer! - Pot Puns, Weed Jokes, Green Grow-ners!

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Aliens in Flying Saucer Say: We're here because it High Day!
Hulk Asks: What do you call a horny stoner? A. A Weed Whacker!
No Evil Monkeys Ask: What do you get if you eat too much weed? A. A Pot Belly!
You might be from Colorado if you have a rocky sense of humor!
Green Alien Says: We're here because it's Friday!
Pot Smoking Gnome Pick-Up Line: On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?
Green Alien Says: I'm not as think as you stoned I am!


Pot Party Jokes and Weekend Stoner Humor
Spark a party buzz with festive stoner jokes, Mile High party puns, and weekend weed humor.

Weed Puns, High Party Humor, Stoner Jokes
(Because Pothead Parties Could Never Be TOO Mainstream for Cannabis Comedians or Marijuana Musicians!)
Warning: Party with Doob Caution! Stone-baked humor, wreck-reational jokes, and rockin' weed-end puns ahead!
| Pot Party Puns | Ganja Music Jokes | Pot Poetry, Marijuana Mantras | Weedy Funny Munchies |
| Weed Jokes and Cannabis Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Blunt Weed Humor | 2 |
| Legal Weed Jokes | Colorado Cannabis Jokes | Mile High Buzz | Stoner Pick-Up Lines | 2 | 3 |
| Incredible Green Hulk | Spaced Out Aliens | Gnome Grown Weed LOLs | Gnome Pothead Puns |
| Funny Stoner Monkeys | 2 | Animal Pothead Puns | Weed Light Bulb Jokes | Happy 420 Jokes

Chimp Chef Asks: Which kind of pizza do potheads prefer? A. Stone-Baked!Q. What did the stoner at the party say before the copy came? A. Let's blow this joint!Q. Did you hear about the guitar that got baked? A. It was highly strung!

Stoner Take-Out Dilemma: Square box, round pizza, triangular slices? I'm so confused?!

Q. What's a Sublime fan's favorite party song?
A. Smoke Two Joints.

Q. What do party stoners call that one guy who always sucks the most?
A. A Vape-pire.

Q. How many potheads does it take to have a bake sale?
A. Geez, if they're already baked, why not?

FYI: Being bouldered in Boulder could get you into trouble, but being denvered in Denver is just another Saturday night.

Barely Legal 420 Point to Ponder: If a gendarme is high on pot, is that French fried bacon?

Q. What do you call a BYO cannabis buffet party with blunts, spliffs, joints, reefers, doobies and more?
A. Pot Luck.

Q. What is a redheaded stranger's favorite party song?
A. Weed With Willy by Toby Keith

Stoner Groupie Pick-Up Line: Hey, I can be your buzz amplifier.

Did you hear about the stoner guitar player who was stressed? He was all strung out.

Rockin' 420 Quip at Baked Goods Canna-Butter Bakery: Dude, this song smells amazing!

Q. What is Ozzy's favorite party tune?
A. Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath.

Q. Which weed song offers romance tips for stoners?
A. Weed Instead of Roses by Ashley Monroe.

No Evil Monkeys Ask: What do you call the dude who brings shroom to a party? A. A Fungi!If the whole world smoke a joint at the same thime, there'd be world peace ... followed by a global food shortage!Chimp Chef Asks: What is a stoner chef's specialty? A. Baked Ziti!

Q. What does a pothead say when he's heading out of the party to walk home?
A. T H C you later!

Q. For maximum effect, what time does Bigfoot start the party and smoke pot on top of Pikes Peak?
A. High Noon.

Denver LoDo Pick-Up Line: Hey Bud, I blaze on the first date!

Q. How can you tell that you've smoked too much weed?
A. You think everyone in the room is staring at you, but you're the only one in the room...

Q. How do stoner rainbow trout in Denver party?
A. They participate in a seaweed pride parade on 13th Street.

Q. What do you call a BYO cannabis party on 420?
A. Pot Luck.

Q. How do partying skeletons in Colorado get high on the weekend?
A. Marrow-juana.

Stoner Munchies Pick-Up Line: Hey, wanna eat cookie dough together sometime?

Stoner Point to Ponder: Did you know eating Italian food may boost your meat-ta-ball-ism?

Weedy Fun Party Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, is your name Green Giggles? 'Cause you are putting a big smile on my face.

Q. How can you tell you've had too much coffee and weed edibles while partying in Colorado?
A. You have the ability to ski uphill!

Blazing Stoner Party Pick-Up Line: Hey hottie, I wanna TH-See you naked!

Chimp chef says: After Colorado legalized marijuana, there were a few hours of peace followed by a statewide food shortage!Q. Which 1970s band do stoners still enjoy? A. The Doobie Brothers!Pothead Gorilla Says: Saturday is the time for multi-slacking, not multi-tasking!

Q. Are there many Colorado Cannivores in Denver?
A. Yes, medible ents and cannafoodies are quite common in the Mile High city.

Cannabis Pick-Up Line: Hey, my friend and I are having a bake sale. Wanna joint us?

Q. Which potent pot song were stoners reddy to party with in 1975?
A. Panama Red by New Riders of the Purple Sage.

Q. Why do Denver musicians like playing a Mile High?
A. Because of the view up here!

Rockin' Colorado Hit: Dude, this song smells like Redrocks Amphitheatre!

Q. Which party song is the favorite of an old hippie with a half-smoked joint in his hand?
A. One Toke Over the Line by Brewer & Shipley.

Timely 420 Point to Ponder: Did you ever stop to consider that every hour it's 4:20 someplace and someplace else?

Q. What is it called if you celebrate 4/20 by lighting up daily for a fortnight beginning on April 1?
A. On a roll.

Q. Which marijuana song about rapped up the pot party?
A. High All the Time by 50 Cent.

Bud Says: God is perfect. Man is not. Made made liquor. God made pot!Q. What do you call a pothead hula dancer? A. Shake 'N Bake!Hulk Says: Happy High Day!

Q. What do Colorado stoners always take along when hunting for craft beer?
A. High-powered taste buds.

Q. If you've been partying, how can you tell if you've toked too much?
A. Is that even possible to do, or is that odd?

Smokin' 420 Quip: If you don't like weed puns, you're ganja have a bad time.

It makes me feel the way I need to feel. – Snoop Dogg.

Colorado Cannabis Factoid: Nudists hate barely legal weed jokes!

Colorado Cannabis-ism: Weed my lips!

Q. What do you get if you dunk a gourmet doobie in Vodka?
A. The Holy Spirit Flambe.

Denver LoDo Pick-Up Line: Hey Bud, I blaze on the first date!

Mile High 420-ism: Just Doob It!

Q. Which day of the week do pot heads enjoy the most?
A. WeedsDay.

Q. For maximum effect, what time should you smoke pot on top of Pikes Peak?
A. High Noon.

Party Bob, the Stoner: How high are you?
Dave, the Pot Head: Yes.

Dave, the Stoner: High, how are you?
Party Bob, the Pot Head: Yes!

Green Aliens Says: Happy Birthday Bud, buddy, your bud-ness, budman...budder from another mother...Q. Why does Santa have three gardens? A. So that he can Ho Ho Ho!Big Ape Says: Don't drink and drive! Park and Spark!

Q. Which November holiday do stoners celebrate first?
A. Danksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Point to Ponder: Why does eating grass fed turkeys from Colorado give you the munchies?

Stoner Point to Ponder: Why is it cool to be a pinner at Pinterest, but uncool to bring along to a party?

Q. What do blonde stoners always take on Colorado skiing trips?
A. High-powered gondolas, duh!

Q. When Colorado Santa's not wearing red, what is his favorite color?
A. Ganja Green.

Q. Why did the pothead leave milk and edible cookies out on 420 eve?
A. For Willie Nelson.

Q. Which of Santa's reindeer is a Colorado pot head's favorite?
A. Blitzen.

Stoner Pick-Up Line: Are you a drug? 'Cause I marijuana take you home tonight.

Q. What do Coloradans for Cannabis call it when the Denver and Boulder chapters get together once a year?
A. The Super Bowl.

Q. Which hazy tune should be on your top 420 party playlist?
A. Smoke a Little Smoke by Eric Church.

Q. What do you call the new party game where stoners get so baked they can barely chase each other around the yard?
A. It's called Hash Tag!

| Pot Party Puns | Ganja Music Jokes | Pot Poetry, Marijuana Mantras | Weedy Funny Munchies |
| Weed Jokes and Cannabis Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Blunt Weed Humor | 2 |
| Legal Weed Jokes | Colorado Cannabis Jokes | Mile High Buzz | Stoner Pick-Up Lines | 2 | 3 |
| Incredible Green Hulk | Spaced Out Aliens | Gnome Grown Weed Jokes | Gnome Pothead Puns |
| Funny Stoner Monkeys | 2 | Animal Pothead Puns | Weed Light Bulb Jokes | Happy 420 Jokes

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