Marijuana Humor and Lawful Pot Puns
Cop some blunt laughs, arresting pothead humor, offensive puns and 420
stoner joke violations.
Legal Weed Jokes, 420 Puns, Herb Humor
(Because Legalized Cannabis
Jokes and Lawful Pot Puns Couldn't Be TOO
Mainstream, Especially on 420 or at 4:20!) |
Proceed at Your Own Risk! Legal Recreational Weed IS Funny
in Colorado, but NOT in Nebraska!
Legal Weed Jokes | Colorado
Cannabis Jokes | Mile High Buzz
| Stoner Pick-Up Lines | 2
| 3 |
| Weed Jokes and Cannabis Puns | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7 | 8
| 9 | 10 | 11
| Blunt Weed Humor | 2
| Pot Poetry, Marijuana Mantras |
Ganja Music Jokes | Pot
Party Puns | Weedy Funny Munchies
| Incredible Green Hulk |
Spaced Out Aliens | Gnome
Grown Weed Jokes | Gnome Pothead Puns
| Funny Stoner Monkeys | 2
| Animal Pothead Puns | Weed
Light Bulb Jokes | Happy 420 Jokes
FYI: Being bouldered in Boulder could get you into
trouble, but being denvered in Denver is just another
Saturday night.
What did the legal team call the happy ending of a stoner
court case?
A. Joint resolution.
What defense did the grower use?
A. Your Honor, weed is not a drug; it is flora. Therefore,
I am a botanist.
What is it called when a banker buys weed?
A. A dank transaction. |
is the gift from the earth, and nothing worse, so before
you knock it try it first, to see it's a blessing
and not a curse!
Cannabis Factoid: Tourists love barely legal weed
What do the Feds say about legal marijuana commerce in Colorado?
A. It's a joint movement.
What do you call a bank account specifically for marijuana
A. Joint account.
What defense did the grower use?
A. Your Honor, weed is not a drug; it is a flower. Therefore,
I am a florist.
Cannabis Factoid: Nudists hate barely legal weed
Which SUV model did most Colorado stoners drive before marijuana
was legalized in the state?
A. Blazers.
Why is it smarter to smoke weed than to drink beer?
A. 'Cause Bud weiser. |
You could go to jail for weed.
Stoner: Jail sells weed?
What do Coloradans call the legalization of marijuana?
A. Fweedom!
to a recent poll, 91% of Coloradans are satisfied with their
lives. Apparently, the other 9% can't remember where the
nearest pot shop is? |
you hear about the guy in Colorado who wants marijuana to
be classified as a vegetable? He said it's an igenious
way to get Americans to stop smoking pot!
Legal Tip of the Day: Don't drink and drive. Park and spark.
What do you call a graduate of the University of Denver
who goes into the legal pot industry?
A. DUber.
Legal 420 Point to Ponder: If a cop is high on pot, is that
fried bacon?
Patrol: If there was someone selling illegal cannabis on
I70 in Kansas, weed surely know.
What do Denverites call the cop comedian at Comedy Works
who does legal joint jokes?
A. Pig Roast. |
How do most legalized marijuana industry workers in Colorado
get hired?
A. They are reefered.
Why is the legalized marijuana industry doing so well in
the Colorado Rockies?
A. Because legal cannabis is in high demand.
Why was recreational marijuana legalized in Colorado?
A. There were a lot of potent arguments in its favor. |
Why do Colorado women like working in the legalized marijuana
A. Because there is no grass ceiling!
What was the Denver Post headline when marijuana was first
legalized in Colorado?
A. Taking the Cover Off Pot.
What does the sign say outside the coffee house next door
to the legal marijuana shop?
A. Perk Up Your Reefer Sadness!
What did the stoner say when the cops pulled him over saying,
"Your eyes look red, like you've been smoking weed,
A. "Your eyes are glazed, like you've been eating donuts,
What did the pot heads say when they saw red flashing lights
up the street?
A. Dude, let's blow this joint!
Pot Point to Ponder: Will marijuana use always be a burning
issue? |
What did the stoner say when he heard about the drug test?
A. Dude, what kind of drugs are we testing?
Fact of the Day: Using Cannabis doesn't ruin your career.
Drug tests do!
How do you know you're a pothead?
A. You studied five days for a urine test.
Drug Test Laugh of the Day: May your cup runneth over, unless
it's that urine specimen cup you're trying to hand me. |
Legal Laugh of the Day: I was about to smoke weed with a
Mexican girl, until I asked her if she had papers –
she immediately ran off.
Point to Ponder: Have changes in marijuana laws created
a new buzz for cannabis?
Which legal marijuana shop is shunned by teachers and parents
in Greenwood Village, yet beloved by Denverites around York
and 1st Ave.?
A. Cherry Creek High Expectations.
Legal Pot Poetry: I like to smoke that lovely grass, so
all you Feds can kiss my ass.
What's the name of the top producing legal cannabis growers
in Colorado?
A. High Five.
Why did the stoner have to retake his drug test?
A. Because the results showed his blood type as THC+. The
second test results were blood type THC-. so Dish Network
didn't fire him. |
Officer: How high are you?
Pothead: No officer, it's Hi, How are you?
What defense did the grower use?
A. Your Honor, weed is not a drug; it is a plant. Therefore,
I am an horticulturist.
Legal Cannabis Factoid: If lawyer Frank Azar (suer supreme)
can't help you if you were wrongfully hit by the cannabis
bus, it's likely attorney Mike Sawaya can.
What is the legal term for a Colorado pot head who's a Mile
A. Enjointment.
Pot Point to Ponder: Why is green code talk okay in Ireland
and Colorado, but rather suspicious in Omaha?
How does the budtender at the the Thought Police Cafe cut
you off?
A. It seems like you've had a bit too much to think...
What do the Feds call a cannabis distributor riding a bike?
A. A drug peddler.
Why won't you ever find cannabis edibles in Seattle called
Reefer's Cups or Mr. Dankbar?
A. 'Cause Hershey's will sue your ET ass for trademark infringement.
(True story, not a joke!)
What's the difference between a stoner and a politician?
A. Stoners do inhale, but politicians just suck!
What do you call an eagle that's soaring after visiting
an illegal marijuana grow?
A. A high flyer.
What do the Feds call it when a Colorado stoner forgets
it's legal and flushes his pot down the toilet?
A. Drug abuse!
What is a treefer and is that better than a two-fer?
A. Both are Colorado happy hour goodies, and you be the
What is it called when a stoner accidentally spills his
weed into shag carpeting?
A. Drug abuse! |
Legal Weed Jokes | Colorado
Cannabis Jokes | Mile High Buzz
| Stoner Pick-Up Lines | 2
| 3 |
| Weed Jokes and Cannabis Puns | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7 | 8
| 9 | 10 | 11
| Blunt Weed Humor | 2
| Pot Poetry, Marijuana Mantras |
Ganja Music Jokes | Pot
Party Puns | Weedy Funny Munchies
| Incredible Green Hulk |
Spaced Out Aliens | Gnome
Grown Weed LOLs | Gnome Pothead Puns
| Funny Stoner Monkeys | 2
| Animal Pothead Puns | Weed
Light Bulb Jokes | Happy 420 Jokes
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