Q. What did Batman do at the deli? A. Got Ham!   PainfulPuns.com - Monstrously Funny, Hulking Pun Jokes, Ouch!

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Q. Why couldn't Batman go fishing? A. Robin ate all the worms!
Q. What is the difference between Batman and a unicorn? A. Nothing, they're both fictional characters?
Batman says: Broncos kick butt, not bat! Ouch! Go Broncos!
Q. Where does Batman go potty? A. In the bat room!


Superhero Jokes and Batman Halloween Humor
Dark Bat Cave humor, powerful superhero puns, and hauntingly funny Batman jokes.

Batman Puns, Caped Crusader Jokes, Bat Humor
(Because "Holy @#$%&!, Batman" is Far TOO Mainstream Nowadays – Without All of the Holy Returns!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Risk! Trick or Treat is safe at Wayne Manor, but don't buzz the Bat Cave!
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Q. What does Batman put in his lemonade? A. Just ice!Batman's foe says: I'm thirsty. Kapow! Batman says: I'm Batman!Q. Why did Batman take Wonder Woman to a used car dealership? A. To use her lasso of truth on the salesman!

Q. Why doesn't Batman like Mr. Freeze?
A. Mr. Freeze always give him the cold shoulder!

Q. Why does Robin always cut Batman off at the bar before he's gothamed?
A. So he doesn't sign the credit card bill as Bruce Wayne.

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, don't worry 'cause I always wear a hood.

Q. What do you call Batman's sidekick when his cape gets caught in a milk shake machine?
The Boy Blunder!

Wordy Quote from Original TV Batman: It's sometimes difficult to think when you're strapped to a printing press.

Gotham City Pick-Up Line: Yes, I am Batman. But girl, you are Robin my heart.

Q. Why did Batman rush into the Bat Cave?
A. He needed to use the Batroom...

Batman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman walk into a bar and order five Jack Daniels on the rocks. Bartender asked if they'd like coke or a lemon slice with their order. Batman replied, "No thanks, we're the Just Ice League."

Caped Crusader Come-On: Bae, I'm Batman!

Q. Why did Batman get upset while playing cards? A. They kept saying the Joker is wild!Q. Why is Bruce Wayne so good at baseball? A. Because he's Batman!Q. What did Batman say to his friend who'd been AWOL? A. Welcome Bat!

Q. Who did Batman take on after conquering the Riddler?
A. Sudoku Man!

Q. What did Batman say to Mr. Freeze?
A. "The heat is on!"

Q. Who is the better businessman, Batman or Superman?
A. Superman, because you've never heard of a batmarket.

Q. How can you tell Bruce Wayne likes baseball?
Every night he turns into a bat.

Q. What do Superman and Batman have in common?
A. Neither one of them has to worry about dad jokes.

Q. Why is Batman jealous of Superman?
A. Because Superman got adopted.

Q. What is it called when Batman skips church on Sunday?
A. Christian Bale.

Q. What happened when Verizon propositioned Batman with their friends and family plan?
A. Batman cried.

Q. Why does Batman hate the song Jinglebells?
A. Because Batman does not smell!

Q. What did Robin say to Batman when they finally found the box of tissues? A. Holy Kleenex, Batman! It was right under our noses and we almost blew it!Q.Why can't Batman play chess with the white pieces? A. He alwyas has to be the Dark Knight!Q. What keeps Bruce Wayne going? A. Bat-teries!

Superhero Fact of the Day: Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Batman PJs.

Q. Which kind of comedy does Batman like best?
A. Dark humor.

Batman Pick-Up Line: Babe, when the Dark Knight rises, he always wears his suit to protect you from sexually transmitted disasters.

Q. What do Batman movies and Halloween movies have in common?
Both come back bigger and better year after year.

Q. Back in the day at the video store, what was the guy told when he asked to rent Batman Forever?
A. No, you have to bring it back on Thorsday.

Batman Pick-Up Line: Baby, you are making all of Gotham City nervous, 'cause you're the bomb.

Q. What kind of treat did Batman give the Joker on Halloween?
A. A Sucker Punch!

Q. What is Batman's least favorite Xmas song?
A. Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg. The Batmobile lost a wheel, and the Joker got away.

Pick-Up Batman Line: Hey dude, is that a Batarang in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

Q. Why did Batman's date go so badly? A. Hw had bat breath!Q. What is Bruce Wayne's favorite day of the week? A. Baturday!Batman's foe says: Why Ca't Batman get a date? SLAP! I do NOT have Bat breath!

Did you hear about the Batman Halloween costume sale? They were just flying off the shelf!

Q. What would you call Batman after a sex change?
A. An Ex-man. OUCH!

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, heaven's in the backseat of the Batmobile. Lemme take you there!

Q. Why does a new young Batman Trick or Treat at your house every year?
Because Batman Returns!

Bruce Wayne Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, I need you more than Gotham City needs Batman.

Q. What's the difference between Batman's parents and newlyweds from Denmark?
A. One is Wed Danes, and the other is Dead Waynes.

Q. Why did Batman romance a witch?
A. Because she knew how to handle a cat woman.

Batman Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, I'm looking for a new lair. Is your Batcave available tonight?

Q. Why doesn't Batman like to go on nature walks?
A. Because he detests Poison Ivy.

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| Batman Chat Ups | Superhero Pick-Up Lines | 2 | The Hulk Hookups | Superman Come-Ons |
| Superhero Jokes, Caped Crusader Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Supervillain Jokes |

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| Superhero Loo LOLs | 2 | Female Superheroes |
| Incredible Hulk Jokes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Green Hulk Laughs | Super Chuck Norris Jokes |

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