To err is human. To arr is pirate! - Puns, Jokes, Word Play, Groaners, Ouch!

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Yarrr! September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Q. What do you call a pirate droid? A. ARRR2- D2!
Q. Why did one pirate move to Russia? A. He wanted to become a czarrr!
Q. How do you save a drowning pirate? A. With C P ARRR!
Q. Why can't kids see the new pirate movie? A. Because it's rated ARRR!
Q. Which Denver suburb do pirates prefer? A. Arrrvada!
Q. Who do pirates call if they break a leg? A. Their Carrrpenter!


Yarr! Arrtful Pirate Puns & Alarrming Pirate Jokes
Sail along with arrmada humor, arrousing pirate puns, stellarr laughs and pirate parrty jokes.

Arrogant Pirate Jokes and Pirate Pun Arrtistry
(Because Arrduous Journey Jokes and High Seas Humor Could Never Be TOO Mainstream for Arrmchair Pirates!)
Warning: Sail Forth at Ye Own Risk! Spectacularr pirate humor, starr jokes, and an array of pirate puns ahead.
| Arrr! Talk Like A Pirate Jokes | 2 | High Seas Humor, Boat Jokes, Sea Captain Puns | 2 |
| Pirate Jokes and Buccaneer Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Salty Pirate Hooking Up Lines |
| Pirate Cuisine Jokes and Salty Food Puns | Seafood Jokes, Crusty Crab Humor, Fish Fry Puns |
| Sport Fishing Jokes, Fisherman Puns | Fishy Jokes | Finny Fish Puns | Sealife | Groggy LOLs |

Q. Which Star Wars character is a pirate's favorite? A. Arrr2D2!Q Why did the pirate go on vacation? A. He needed some aRRR and aRRR!Q. Which instrument does a pirate play in the band? A. The Guitarrr!

Q. What does a pirate take when he decides to fly instead of sail?
A. An aRRRplane!

Q. What do you call somebody who doesn't like International Talk Like a Pirate Day?
A. PaRRRty pooper!

Q. How do you describe an egotistical pirate who is full of himself?
A. ARRogant.

Q. What is a pirate's favorite body part?
A. Well, it's certainly not their arrm!

Q. What do you call a group of pirate ships?
A. An ARRRmada.

Q. What is the hardest thing to clean off a pirate ship?
A. The baRRRnicles.

Q. Why did the sea buccaneer keep a pet tarantula?
A. Because pirates like ARRachnids.

Q. Which character on Green Acres was the favorite of 1960s pirates?
A. ARRnold Ziffle.

Q. Which music genre do pirates prefer?
A. ARRR 'n B.

Q. How did the pirate stop smoking cigaRRRs?
A. He used the patch.

Q. What do pirates call large-caliber guns aboard ship?
A. ARRtillery.

Q. Which kind of bottled water do pirates carry aboard ship?
A. ARRtesian well water.

Q. What is a pirate's favorite vegetable? A. Arrrtichokes!Q. How did the pirate becoe a lawyer? A. He passed the Barrr Exam!Q How good was the pirate's golf game? A. Parrr!

Q. What type of weight loss diet do overweight pirates go on?
A. Low caRRRb.

Q. Which fast food joint do pirates like when they're beached in Los Angeles or New York?
A. ARRRbys.

Q. What does a gourmet pirate chef add to his dinners?
A. GaRRRnishes.

Q. What do pirates do at the crack of dawn?
A. They ARRise.

Q. Why do pirates make fantastic lawyers?
A. because they aRRR quite skilled at aRRRguing.

Q. Where do pirates store their weapons?
A. In an aRRRsenal.

Q. What do pirates wear when sailing in icy waters?
A. PaRRRkas.

Q. Which Greek god do pirates admire most?
A. ARRtemis.

Pirate Pick-Up Line: YaRRR! How 'bout I stick my cannon in your porthole?

Q. Which organization do senior citizen pirates join to get discounts?

Q. What is a pirate's second favorite mode of transportation?

Q. Which element fascinates pirate scientists?
A. ARRRgon.

Q. Which style of food do pirates enjoy most? A. Barrrbeque!Q. Which candy do pirates like best? A. Sweet Tarrrts!Q. Why do pirates subscribe to Playboy magazine? A. For the arrrticles!

Q. Which kind of cheese do pirates like best?
A. PaRRRmesan.

To err is human. To arrr is pirate.

Q. What did the pirate name his pet parrot?
A. ARRnold.

Pirate Pick-Up Line: My lady, aRRR you free on Saturday night?

Q. In which U.S. state do elderly pirates prefer to retire?
A. ARRizona.

Q. What frightens young pirates on Halloween?
A. The daRRRk.

Q. What kind of toothpaste do 4 out of 5 pirate dentists recommend?
A. One with taRRRtaRRR control!

Q. Where do pirates on shore leave hang out in the garden?
A. In the shadey aRRbor.

Q. Where do pirates visit when they're shipwrecked in Texas?
A. AmARRillo.

Pirate Pick-Up Line: Aye, you aRRRe the lass I've had my eye on.

Q. What type of body protection did medieval pirates wear?
A. A suit of aRRmor.

Pirate Pick-Up Line: Just because I wear an eye patch doesn't mean I can't see how beautiful you aRRRe.

Q. Which U.S. state do redneck pirates visit while on the hunt for southern belles?
A. ARRkansas.

Q. How does a pirate declutter his ship? A. He has a Yarrrd Sale!Q. What is a pirate's favorite country? A. Arrrgentina!Q. Why don't pirate marriages last? A. Because of all the arrguments!

Q. Which big box department store do pirates prefer?
A. TaRRRget!

Q. Where do pirate painters buy their brushes?
A. At an aRRRt supply store.

Q. What did the pirates name their ship's cat?
A. Arrnie.

Q. How does a landlubber pirate get to the top of a skyscraper?
A. He takes the elevatoRRR!

Q. Why do pirates like evenings?
A. Because pirates are not afraid of the daRRRk night.

Q. Which pumped up actor do pirates admire most?
A. Arrnold Schwarzenegger.

Q. Why was the latest pirate movie rated ARRR?
A. Because of all the booty.

Q. How do pirates believe their domain will ultimately end?
A. ARRRmageddon.

Q. When pirates aren't aboard their schooner, which sailing vessel do they embark on?
A. An aRRk.

Q. What is a pirate's favorite doll? A. Barrrbie!Q. What is a pirate's favorite restaurant? A Arrrby's!Q. Why did the pirate go to college? A. to become an Arrrchitect!

Q. What did the pirate say when he stepped on a LEGO with his non-peg leg?

Q. Who does a pirate go see if he breaks his peg leg?
A. The caRRRpenter.

Q. How did the pirate revive his drowning shipmate?
A. He used C.P.RRR.

Q. What did the Norwegian pirate name his son?
A. Arrnulf.

Q. How do you describe an enthusiastic, passionate pirate?
A. ARRdent.

Q. What is the best surprise for a pirate on his birthday?
A. A big paRRRty!

Q. Which soft drink to nostalgic pirates miss most?
A. RRR-C Cola.

Q. Where do pirates store their cookies aboard ship?
A. In a cookie jaRRR.

Q. Where do pirates store their guns and weapons?
A. In an aRRmory.

Q. What did the pirate name his son?
A. ARRthur.

Q. Which pirate was mentioned in the Bible?
A. Noah, the builder of the ARRRk!

Q. Where did the pirate put all his Christmas decorations?
A. In his front yaRRRd.

Q. Which doll do pirates always give to their daughters?
A. A BaRRRbie Doll.

Q. How do pirates get around in town when they're at port?
A. By cARR.

Q. Where do pirates go to pay their respects to fallen heroes?
A. Arrlington National Cemetery.

| Arrr! Talk Like A Pirate Jokes | 2 | High Seas Humor, Boat Jokes, Sea Captain Puns | 2 |
| Pirate Jokes and Arr-ful Buccaneer Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Salty Pirate Pick-Up Lines |
| Pirate Cuisine Jokes and Salty Food Puns | Seafood Jokes, Crusty Crab Humor, Fish Fry Puns |
| Sport Fishing Jokes, Fisherman Puns | Fishy Jokes | Finny Fish Puns | Sealife | Groggy Jokes |
| Travel Jokes | World Traveler Jokes | Cross the Road Jokes | Time Travel Puns | Timely Jokes |
| Groaner Jokes | Daily Groaners | Police Puns | Lawyer Groans | Criminal Jokes | Money Groans |
| Hipster Jokes | Bad Hair Puns | 2 | Blonde Jokes | 2 | Light Bulb Jokes | Fair Weather Puns |

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Ye hath lasted thus far, so here be more arr-mazing humor, parrty jokes,
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