Q. How does a locksmith take a walk on the wild side? A. He Gets Funky!   PainfulPuns.com - Job Jokes, Funny Occupations, Work Whoas?

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Q. Which companty perk do locksmiths care the least about? A. The key to the executife bathroom!
Knowledge is the Key. It looks like you've been locked out!


Key Puns, Locksmith Jokes, Locked Up Humor
It's safe to open latchkey jokes, unlock key humor, and re-key rusty locksmith puns!

Locksmith Humor, Key Jokes, Lock Puns
(Because You Can Pick Your Locksmith and Pick Your Teeth, But You Can't Let Your Locksmith Pick Your Teeth!)
Warning: Pick Your Locksmith with Caution! Low-key jokes, keyed up humor, and okey dokey puns ahead.
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Q. What is a locksmith's favorite animal? A. A Monkey!Q. What do you call it when a locksmith really messes up? A. Key-Lamity!Q. What is a locksmith's favorite beast of burden? A. Donkey!

Q. What does a locksmith do when he's feeling silly and playful?
A. He monkeys around.

Q. Why should you trust a locksmith with private information?
A. Because he knows how to keep a secret.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, is your name Jane? 'Cause I feel a real key-lamity coming up.

Q. Which kind of small trees did the locksmith use to landscape his yard?
A. Mesquite.

Q. What did the locksmith name his pet burro?
A. O. Key Dokey.

Q. Why did the cemetery caretaker have to call a locksmith?
A. Because the old skeleton key was lost.

Q. What do you call it when a locksmith has bad breath? A. Ketosis!Q. Which insect really bugs your locksmith? A. A Mosquito!Q. How do you know your locksmith isn't unstable? A. He's on an even keel!

Q. Which flavor of barbeque sauce is the favorite of locksmiths?
A. Mesquite.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, if you're looking for a lockmith just say, "Okey Dokey."

Q. Why did the top locksmith company hire the new guy?
A. Because he was an Okie from Muskogee!

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey there, you are really locking good!

Pick-Up a Locksmith Line: Are you a locksmith or a pirate? 'Cause you're on such an even keel.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, was your daddy a locksmith? 'Cause you've got a keen figure.

Q. Which Old Norse god do locksmiths admire most? A. Loki!Q. To a locksmith, what is the difference between low-key & kilo? A. Seriously, Dude?Chimp asks: What kind of key opens a banana? A. A monkey!

Q. Which company perk doesn't HR offer to new locksmiths?
A. The key to the exec bathroom – because they don't need it.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, was your daddy a Scotsman? 'Cause I'm liking you a loch.

Q. Does a locksmith hold the key to happiness?
A. Maybe... He does hold the key to the liquor cabinet!

Pick-Up a Locksmith Line: Hey there, wanna come up to my place and see my key-ty cat?

Pick-Up a Locksmith Line: Hi sweetie, wanna come up to my place for a little key lime pie?

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, I may not hold the key to happiness, but I can unlock the liquor cabinet.

Q. What is a locksmith's favorite house pet? A. His Key-ty Cat!Q. Which national parks icon do locksmiths trust to preven forest fires? A. Smokey the Bear!Q. Where does a locksmith like to go on his vacation? A. The Florida Keys!

Q. What did the locksmith name his new pet goldfish?
A. Bolt.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Babe, was your daddy a locksmith? 'Cause you hold the key to my heart.

Q. What did the security company name their new guard dog who always makes a bolt for the door?
A. Locksmith.

Q. What do ghosts use to open locked doors to get into a haunted house?
A. If they can't just walk through it, they'll use a spook-key.

Q. What building material did the locksmith use for his new shop?
A. Keystones.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, let's meet up at Keystone for a run down the slope.

| Locksmith Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Keyed Up Pick-Up Lines | Landlord Jokes | Plumber Puns |
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