Q. What do you get if you put your radio in the fridge? A. Cool Music!   PainfulPuns.com - Puns, Jokes, Word Play, Groaners, Ouch!

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Q. How are trumpet players and pirates alike? A. They're both murder on the high Cs!
I just wrote a song about tortillas. Actually, it's more of a wrap.
Is it just another manic Monday?
Q. What do you call it when a Wookiee plays guitar alone on stage? A. A Han Solo!
Q. Why is a Barn So Noisy? A. The Cows All Have Horns.


Noteworthy Humor, Trebled Jokes, Bass-ic Puns
Tune into keyed-up music jokes, puns that sing, high note humor, and instrumental laughs.

Music Jokes, Clef-er Puns, Bass Musician Humor
(Q. Why is It So Painfully Quiet Here? A. Because We Haven't Tortured Visitors with MIDI Music Puns Since 1999!)
Warning: Listen at Your Own Risk! Off-key laughter, forte music jokes, high pitch humor and basso puns ahead.
| Music Jokes, Musician Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Musician Come-Ons |
| Brassy Music Jokes | Chef Tunes and Culinary Beats | Classical Music and Composer Jokes |
| Colorado Music Jokes | Drummer Jokes | Gnome Music Puns | Guitar Jokes | Hip Hop Humor |
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Q. What do you throw a drowning bass player? A. His Amp!Q. What happens when you play the blues backwards? A. Your wife comes back, your dog returns to life and you get out of prison!What is Beethoven's favorite fruity melody? A. 5th Symphony: banana..Na...! Banana..Na...!

Q. How does a guitar player keep his guitar from being stolen?
A. He stores it in a cello case.

Q. What do you call a guitar that's moving slowly?
A. Walk and Roll.

Q. How do you know somebody is a really great guitar player?
A. He'll tell you.

Q. Why do guitarists tour the most during the summer?
A. So they can visit all of their kids.

Q. Which popular American folk song is about a legendary folk hero's voting slip?
A. The Ballot of Davy Crockett.

Q. Which song does a winning NASCAR driver sing during a big race?
A. Blue Bayou.

Two musicians were walking down the street. One turns to the other and asks, "Who was that piccolo I saw you with last night?" The other replied, "That was no piccolo, that was my fife!"

Did you hear the joke about the blues? Can't remember how it goes, but the punchline is: The blues guitarist got hit by a bus.

Q. Which song lyrics played in haunted houses in the 1970s?
A. At first I was afraid, I was petrified.

Voice Coach Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, I can help you hit all those high notes.

Q. What is a chillin' banana's favorite song?
A. Mellow Yellow!

Q. What happens after Beethoven's second fifth?
A. Nothing.

Q. Why did Beethoven get rid of all his chickens?
A. Because they kept going, "Bach Bach Bach."

Q. How can you tell which music composer is the best?
A. Compare their scores.

Q. Which musical composition is about a bread-loving pack animal?
A. Pita and the Wolf.

Q. What is a trumpet player's favorite day of the week? A. Toots Day!Q. What's the difference between a banjo and an onion? A. Nobody cries if you chop up a banjo!Q. Which pot strain is preferred by Vegas Sinatra impersonators? A. Dooby Dooby Doo!

Playing the trumpet is a lot like throwing a javelin blindfolded. You don't have to be very good to get a lot of people's attention!

Trumpet players do it with three fingers. Tuba players do it with four fingers. But, trombonists do it in seven positions.

Q. What do being a bad trumpet player and masturbation have in common?
A. Blow your horn in private because nobody wants to see you rehearsing in a public park.

Q. What happened to the jazz musician after his wife left him?
A. He had to toot his own horn.

Q. What do you call a donkey with a banjo?
A. Bluegr-ass.

Q. Why do banjo pickers always die with their boots on?
A. So they won't stub their toes when they kick the bucket.

The musician's girlfriend had tears in her eyes when he asked her to marry him. It might be because he proposed with an onion ring...

Q. Which folksong is actually about a fruity dessert pastry from New England?
A. Yankee Strudel.

Q. What's the difference between a joint and rappers these days?
A. You get more than one hit out of a joint.

Q. What is the missing link between the bass and an ape?
A. The baritone.

Q. How did Frank Sinatra die?
A. Stranglers in the Night.

Q. Why did The Hulk flub his band audition?
A. Because he was so green.

Noteworthy Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, bassos know how to go really low.

Q. Who is a lockmith's favorite singer? A. Alicia Keys!Q. Which instrument does a pirate play in the band? A. The Guitarrr!Q. Why are violas begger than violins? A. They aren't. Violinist's heads are smaller!

Q. Which brand of smart phone do singers prefer?
A. Samsung.

Q. Which computer sings the best?
A. A Dell.

Q. How do you know you're a cheesy singer?
A. Your urge to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.

Q. Why did the guy want Yoko Ono to sing at his funeral?
A. He wants his friends to know there are worse things than death.

Q. Why did the scuba diver think he heard mermaids singing?
A. Because he was near a choral reef.

Q. What kind of music do pirates listen to aboard a dingy?
A. Rock n Row.

Did you hear about the guitar player who was stressed? He was all strung out.

Q. What's the range of a Les Paul?
A. It depends how far you throw it.

Q. How long does it take to tune a 12-string guitar?
A. Nobody knows.

Q. Why was Ghandi removed from the orchestra?
A. He rejected the violins.

Q. How do you make a cello sound beautiful?
A. Sell it and buy a violin.

Q. What do you call a person who plays the viola really badly?
A. A Violator!

Q. What's the difference between a violin and a fiddle?
A. A violin has strings, but a fiddle has strangs.

Scaled Down Pick-Up Line: Babe, you had me at "Cello."

Q. What is Iceman's favorite band? A. Cold Play!Did you hear about the pianist who played for just a few people? His performance was low key!Q. Which music style do pirates enjoy most? A. ARRR and B!

Q. Which rapper is always cold?
A. Ice Cube.

Q. What does a rapper like in his drinks?
A. Ice Ice Baby.

Q. What is the Green Goblin's favorite band?
A. Smashing Pumpkins.

Q. What is Lois Lane's favorite song?
A. Waiting for Superman by Daughtry.

Q. Which song is the fave of everyday heroes?
A. My Hero by The Foo Fighters.

Q. What is one of the hazards of being a musician in a piano bar?
A. People keep dropping money in your drink.

Q. What does a Steinway?
A. Oh, about 800 pounds!

Pianist: Did you hear my last recital?
Friend: I hope so.

Q. Why was the conductor late to the concert?
A. He drove over something sharp and got a flat tire.

Q. What song does a pirate sing when he walks the plank?
A. Wait by Maroon 5.

Q. Why can't pirates sing the alphabet?
A. 'Cause they get lost at C.

Pirates know that playing the hautboy (oboe) is a lot like throwing a javelin blindfolded. You don't have to be very good to get a lot of people's attention!

Q. What happened to the dancing pirate who went to the seafood-themed disco?
A. He pulled a mussel.

| Music Jokes, Musician Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Musician Come-Ons |
| Brassy Music Jokes | Chef Tunes and Culinary Beats | Classical Music and Composer Jokes |
| Colorado Music Jokes | Drummer Jokes | Gnome Music Humor | Guitar Jokes | Bad Rap Puns |
| Piano Jokes, Keyboard Puns | Rocking Rock 'N Roll Jokes | Rock Group Puns and Band Jokes |
| Scary Music Jokes | Sci-Fi Music Jokes | Singer, Vocalist, Song Jokes | Sax and Violins Puns |
| Musical Superhero Jokes | Weed Music Jokes | Wild Animal Music Beasts | Xmas Carol LOLs |
| Song Title Jokes and Song Lyric Parody Puns | Disco Jokes and Dancer Puns | Mime LOLs |
| Actor Jokes | Stage Act Humor | Film Jokes | Magician Puns | Clown Jokes | Comedian Jokes |

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Bass-ically, you're still trebled, so here are more scores of laughter,
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