My cavity wasn't filled my my regular dentist, just by a guy who was filling in. - Sick Puns, Doctor Jokes, Healthy Humor

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Q. Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania? A. Dracula's dentist!
Q. What did the judge say to the dentist? A. Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?
Q. What game did the dentist play as a child? A. Caps and robbers!


Dentist Jokes, Teeth Puns, Healthy Laughter
Dental puns, tooth humor, dental jokes and toothy grins are the ahh-some cure for what ails you.

Funny Tooth Jokes, Dentist Humor, Toothy Grins
(Because Dental Fill-osophy Jokes and Painful Tooth Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream If You're At the Dentist!)
Warning: Proceed with a Bite of Caution! Toothy jokes, X-ray-ted humor, and painful toothache puns ahead.
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A book never written: Life Is A Dentist by Flo RideQ. What is a dentist's favorite day of the week? A. Tooth Day!Q. What did the dentist say to the judge in court? A. You can't handle the tooth!

Dentistry Point to Ponder: My toothache is driving me to Extraction... Is that in Nevada or Utah?

Q. What is a literate tooth's favorite novel?
A. Enamel Farm.

Toothy Fact of the Day: Ten years of not brushing your teeth causes terrible tooth decade.

Q. What is the difference between a dentist and a NY Yankee fan?
A. One yanks for the roots and the other roots for the Yanks.

Q. What does a dentist-in-training do before an oral exam?
A. He brushes up!

Q. Why couldn't the patient get her dentist's attention?
A. Because he was brushing her off.

The dentist's alibi was full of holes, so police performed a cavity search. OUCH!

A friend of mine is dating a girl with a dental implant, but he didn't know that until it came out during a recent conversation.

Q. Why do so many people dislike going to the dentist?
A. Because he's boring!

A book never written: Dental Examination by Hope N WideQ. Why did Bruce's dentist give him mouthwash? A. He had bat breath!Q. Why did a computer go to the dentist? A. It had a byte of a problem!

Did you hear about the lawyer who had the nerve to ask his dentist for a retainer?

Q. What do you call the wise advice your dentist gives you?
A. His floss-ophy.

Q. How are bats and dentures alike?
A. Both only come out at night.

I had a date with a dentist last night. At the end of the date, she said she had a great time and wants to see me again in six months."

Did you know that good dental care throughout Panama is called a route canal?

Q. What happened when the guy went to his dentist for root canal?
A. He lost his nerve!

Q. How are vampires like false teeth? A. They both come out at night!Q. What do dentists and tennis coaches have in common? A. Both use drills!Q. What's the best time to go to the dentist? A. Tooth Hurty!

Q. How long did it take for two vampires to fall for each other?
A. It was love at first bite.

An orthodontist was found dead, killed by a hatchet. But, nobody was arrested because the death was ruled axe-i-dental.

Q. What has a sharp set of teeth, but no mouth?
A. A saw blade.

Q. Why did the Buddhist refuse a Novocaine injection during his root canal treatment?
A. He wanted to transcend dental medication!

Q. Where do some spaced-out teeth like to shop?
A. The Gap.

Q. What does the dentist of the year get?
A. A little plaque.

Q. Why did the pet store owner call his dentist?
A. His canines were loose.

Q. How did the blonde try to fix her broken molar?
A. With toothpaste!

Dentist: This will hurt a bit.
Patient: Okay.
Dentist: I've been having an affair with your wife.

Q. What's another name for a dentist's office? A. A filling station!Q. What did an army guy do before becoming a dentist? A. He was a drill sergeant!Q. What was the dentist doing in Panama? Al Looking for the root canal!

Dentists have the same old grind, day after day...

Q. Why are dentists such expert problem solvers?
A. They always get to the root of the problem.

Today's Dentistry Factoid: Did you know student dentists practice by going through many drills?

Q. What has a fine set of teeth, but no mouth?
A. A comb.

After my root canal, I wasn't liking my dentist, but then he made a good impression.

Q. What did one tooth say to another?
A. Put your cap on. The dentist is taking us out tonight.

| Dentist Jokes and Toothy Grins | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Doctor Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Germ Jokes |
| Surgeon Jokes | Urologist Jokes | Constipation Jokes | Diarrhea Jokes | Blood Jokes | 2 |
| Dopey Pharmaceutical Jokes | Futuristic Medical Jokes | Sci-Fi Doctor Jokes | Dr. Who Jokes |
| Eye Doctor Jokes and Optometrist Humor | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Eye Puns | Sick Pick-Up Lines |
| Optometry Jokes | Ophthalmology Jokes | Optician Puns | Glasses Jokes, Eyewear Spectacles |
| Medical Jokes | Shrink Humor, Psychiatrist Jokes | Addict Jokes, Rehab Puns | Brain Jokes | 2 |
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