is rooting for Denver to Klingon to the ball more.
Go Broncos!
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You shout, "Ka Plah!" when the Broncos score
and taunt the other team by saying, "Raiders, today
is a good day to die!"
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. When you lose your temper, you swear at that petaQ
in Klingon!
Who is Bigfoot's favorite Star Trek character?
A. B'Elanna Torres. And, he finds all Klingon babes really
hot, too!
How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two. One to screw in the bulb, and another to stab him
in the back and take the credit.
What is a Klingon's favorite discount department store?
A. K'Mart.
Where do Klingons shop for cheap furniture and meatballs?
A. I'Qeah.
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You didn't have to Google a single Klingon word on this
page because you already knew what it meant.
Who is gay Bigfoot's favorite Star Trek character?
A. Worf. And, he finds all Star Wars Wookiees hot, too!
How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. A true Klingon warrior battles equally as well
in the dark! |
What does a Klingon dog say?
A. Worf, Worf!
What does a Klingon put in his boots to stop them from stinking?
A. Odo-Eaters!
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You know which Klingon terms on this page are real and
which ones are puns – and you literally get
the joke!
How many languages does Ancient Aliens icon Giorgio Tsoukalos
A. English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Klingon.
How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb?
A. One. A Klingon would never be dishonored by allowing
another to assist in such a menial task. |