What does Mr. Spock say to motivate and inspire other natives
of his home world?
A. Are You a Vulcan, or a Vulcan't?
How does Mr. Spock's favorite class rock song go?
A. Some people call me a space cowboy, some gangsters
call me the Vulcan of Love...
How many Ferengi does it take to replace a light bulb?
A. None. They'd rather sell the new bulb for a huge profit.
How many Ferengi does it take to change a light bulb?
A. It depends. How much gold-pressed latinum to you have?
What does a Klingon dog say?
A. Worf, Worf!
What does a Klingon put in his boots to stop them from stinking?
A. Odo-Eaters!
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You know which Klingon terms on this page are real and
which ones are puns – and you literally get the joke!
Who sang the touching sci-fi song Assimilate Me Tender?
A. Elvis of Borg.
How many Bajorans does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. The filthy Cardassian pigs took all their bulbs.
Why did the skeleton chicken cross the Star Trek road?
A. She heard Bones McCoy was on the other side!
Dr. McCoy finished his examination of Scotty, he said, "I
can't find any reason for your stomach pains. Frankly, I
think it's due to drinking." Mr. Scott replied, "In
that case, I'll come back when you're sober."
How many Star Trek engineers does it take to replace a light
A. Five. One to screw in the bulb, one to question whether
it should be changed to halogen, one to upgrade the socket,
, one to complain to the captain about burned out bulbs,
and one to protest the engine stress caused by the use of
the additional power. |