What did Dr. Smith say while he was reprogramming the robot?
A. Let's try this again, shall we? You are the puppet, I
am the puppeteer. Do try to get it right this time.
What's the most head-scratching insult Dr. Smith used
on the robot?
A. Pot-Headed Prankster.
It sounds like old morse code.
Will Robinson: What does it say?
Robot: Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! |
What's the most maddeningly malevolent mucky insult Dr.
Smith tossed to the robot?
A. Monstrous Mechanized Misguided Moron!
Why is the Jupiter 2 the true sci-fi space pioneer?
A. Because in 1965, the future 1997 got them Lost In
Space before the Milllennial Falcon could find them
long ago and far away while Doctor Who was on the phone,
and Star Trek wasn't beamed up yet.
Robinson Quote: We're lost, aren't we?
What's the greasiest insult Dr. Smith ever slid toward the
A. Unctuous Underling.
What did Will Robinson say while he was searching for strewn
robot parts?
A. Relax Robot, I'm going to build you a new body. Mom always
said I should make new friends.
Why did Penny Robinson cross the road on Priplanus?
A. Because that seemed to make cents.