How do you know Dr. Smith enjoys painful Vulcan
Star Trek puns?
A. Because he said, "Sarcasm is the recourse of
the weak mind."
What did Mr. Spock say to Doctor Smith?
A. I am NOT Dr. Spock!
Why wouldn't Spock ever do a mind meld with Frodo?
A. Because that might be a hard hobbit to get into.
Why is the Jupiter 2 the true sci-fi space pioneer?
A. Because in 1965, the future 1997 got them Lost In
Space before the Milllennial Falcon could find them
long ago and far away while Doctor Who was on the phone,
and Star Trek wasn't beamed up yet. |
Why did the Klingon chicken cross the road?
A. To boldly go watch Star Trek Next Generation
and Star Trek Voyager reruns.
Why did the foxy Klingon cross the road?
A. He heard about all the chickens on the other side.
How fast can a Klingon flee when being chased by the Borg?
A. At Worf Speed.
How many shuttle pilots does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. They're traveling faster than the speed of light,
so they'd never even notice the bulb burned out. |
Why does a plumber insist on personally using every new
toilet he installs aboard the Enterprise?
A. Because he wants to boldly go where no one has gone
Why did Lieutenant Uhuru look so shocked?
A. Because William Shat-Near Her.
What did Scotty say to the crew of the Enterprise say when
they orbited over western England?
A. Thar be Wales down there.
How many Ferengi does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Eleven. One to screw it, and ten to sell tickets to watch.