Why did the Vulcan rooster cross the road?
A. Because there were Pon Farr chickens on the other side!
Why did the red shirt cross the road?
A. He heard there were a lot of chicks on the other side.
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You've accidentally closed a job search cover letter
saying, "Live Long and Prosper." |
What do Klingons feed their pet Warriguls (monster dogs)?
A. Tribbles and Bits
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. Your dog's name is Worf.
How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. A coworker says, "Good Morning," and you reply,
"Ka Plah!"
What did the Klingon say to the shuttle craft pilot?
A. Today is a good day to fly!
McCoy: I've borrowed Scott's bagpipes.
Kirk: But you can't play them.
Doc McCoy: While I've got them, neither can he.
Doctor McCoy tells an Enterprise crewman he has a bad heart.
The crewman says, "I want a second opinion." So,
Bones says, "You're ugly, too."
How do you know you're a true Trekkie?
A. Your dog's name is McCoy, and he likes Bones!