might be a Colorado native if you can drive to South Park
without using GPS or any alien assistance. You are definitely
a Colorado native if you can get back to Denver via Woodland
Park without using a map or GPS!
Which route do crazy horses take through the mountains near
South Park, Colorado?
A. They take the Psychopath.
What is the official plant of I25 through Colorado?
A. The concrete cloverleaf.
Which movie Jim Carrey movie was filmed in Denver?
A. Me, Myself, and I25.
Why does Denver, Colorado have such a wide demographic range
of ages that consume legal marijuana?
A. I25 and I70.
What do Colorado paleontologists call it when a truck full
of dinosaur bones has a wreck on the way to Denver's Natural
History Museum?
A. A Jurassic Jam!
Why didn't the cheap Deverite want to pay much for an off-roading
A. He wanted to get it dirt Jeep. |
What happened to the guy from Leadville who found himself
on the road to Hell in Aurora?
A. After he drove over the pothole to Hell, he had to call
roadside assistance from Hell. OUCH!
What kind of car does a Colorado cattleman's champion bull
A. A Cattle-ac.
Which pedal do rooster racecar drivers at Bandimere Speedway
A. The egg-celerator.
How do Metro Denver chickens get off the highway?
A. They take the eggs-it.
Why did the Colorado chicken stop crossing Morrison Road?
A. She had absolutely no sense of humor!
What do you call the Colorado chicken that crossed Parker
Road trying to escape to Kansas?
A. Suicidal!
What do you call the Colorado chicken that crossed Parker
Road trying to escape to Kansas?
A. Feather Brain!
Q. What did the LoDo Denver blonde do when she heard most
accidents happen within 10 miles of home?
A. She moved a mile further out.
What should you never say if you get pulled over by the
Denver Police on 13th Avenue?
A. Are you the guy from the Village People?
Why did the Aurora cops pull over the Mini Cooper full of
clowns on I225?
A. For the fun of it, plus they obviously weren't wearing
seat belts.
Why didn't the quarter roll down the Colorado mountain road
along with the nickel?
A. Because the quarter had more cents!
What do Colorado motorists call it when a mountain road
is oddly elastic and springy?
A. Highway rubbery.
Why was the squirrel late for work at the Denver Tech Center?
A. Traffic on I25 was nuts.
Audi, a Lexus, and a Cadillac roll into a bar in Kremling,
Colorado. The bartender looks at them and says, "What? Is
this some kind of a joke?" |