Pick-Up Lines & Scripted Actor Come-Ons
out opening night flirts, date night outtakes, tricky magical flirts and
hammy dating tips.
Theater Come-Ons, Magician Hookups,
Actor Lines
('Cause Theatre Hookups and
Staged Come-Ons Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream If You're
Solo on a Casting Couch!) |
Pick Up at Your Own Risk! Scripted come-ons, method acting
lines, and partly funny flirts ahead.
| Actor Pick-Up Lines | Actor
Jokes | 2 | 3
| 4 | Mime Jokes
| Magician Puns | Gnomes
Acting Up |
| Creepy Clown Jokes and Circus Humor
| Standup Comedian Jokes |
Funny Jokes About Jokes
| Television Jokes, TV Show Puns | Film
Jokes, Movie Title Puns | Stage Actor
Humor, Play Puns |
| Dancer Jokes, Disco Humor, Dance Puns
| Music Jokes | Guitar
Player Puns | Colorado Music |
Pick Up Line: Hey there, unlike Hamlet's entire family,
my love for you will never die.
Pick Up Line: Hey dude, are you a method actor? 'Cause you
are really in my head.
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, your beauty is so dangerous that
you need a stunt double.
Pick Up Line: Hey babe, are you my voice? 'Cause I never
want to lose you.
Come-On: Hey fella, are you a magician? 'Cause when I look
into your eyes, everybody else disappears. |
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, are you opening night? 'Cause I
get the jitters when you are near.
Hookup Line: Hey girl, I don't need a premiere to show you
an opening night.
Come-On: Hey girl, to start my role of a lifetime, all I
need is you as my co-star.
Pick Up Line: Hey babe, are you my lines? 'Cause I'll never
forget you.
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, are you the mic that was left on
too long? 'Cause you're so hot!
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, are you that line I screwed up?
'Cause I just cannot get you out of my mind.
Up an Actress Line: Hey, can I help you with a quick change?
'Cause I really want to rip off your clothes.
Chat Up Line: Hey baby, I shall compare thee to a mid summer
day. Hot!
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, I think I'm the spotlight and you're
the light crew 'cause you turn me on.
Pick Up Line: Hey babe, here I am! Now, what are your other
two wishes? |
Chat Up Line: Babe, I can make a snake jump out of my can
of nuts without any props!
Pick Up Line: Hey, don't girls just wand a have fun?
Chat Up Line: Are you my new assistant? 'Cause I saw you
from across the room.
Pick Up Line: Are you a magician? 'Cause whenever I look
at you, everyone else disappears. |
Pick Up Line Point to Ponder: Why aren't there any mime
pick-up lines?
Hookup Line: Hey girl, let's get familiar with each other's
body of work.
Hookup Line: Hey girl, you might want a body double for
what we are about to do...
Come-On: Hey girl, when they took my headshot they told
me to smile, so I thought about you.
Pick Up Line: I must be a magician's assistant because you
saw right through me.
Chat Up Line: Are you a magician? 'Cause every little thing
you do is magic.
Hookup Line: Do you like the dark? 'Cause you and I could
make some black magic.
Pick Up Line: Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you
just glad to see me? |
Chat Up Line: Hey babe, are you Macbeth? 'Cause your name
sends shivers down my spine.
Pick Up Line: Hey there, Im auditioning for the part of
an angel soon, so could you tell me what it's like?
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, are you a spotlight that was left
on for way too long? 'Cause you are smokin'!
Hookup Line: Hey girl, are you my sonnet? 'Cause I see us
ending as a couplet.
the Movies Hookup Line:
Hey baby, is your name Cinderella? 'Cause I see that dress
disappearing at midnight. |
Come-On: Hey girl, you're like the big dance number that
opens the show – you take my breath away.
Hookup Line: Hey girl, will you be my dance partner? 'Cause
then I can hold you all day.
Hookup Line: Hey dude, are you a mic pack? 'Cause I want
you in my pants.
Pick Up Line: Hey fella, are you hairspray? 'Cause I can't
seem to get you out of my mind.
Come-On: Hey baby, is your
name Ariel? 'Cause I'd say we mermaid for each other.
Up an Actress Line: Hey girl, I must be the audience 'cause
I could just watch you for hours.
Chat Up Line: Hey big guy, someone as hot as you must find
it tough to do cold readings.
Up an Actress Line: Hey girl, you give me more butterflies
than a PLACES call.
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, I think I'm mic tape 'cause I'm
stuck on you.
the Movies Pick-Up Line:
Hey baby, is your daddy Liam Neeson? 'Cause I'm Taken
by you. |
Magician Pick Up Line: Babe, is your name Wanda? 'Cause
you are pretty magical!
Chat Up Line: Are you a math-e-magician? 'Cause you and
I add up to magic.
Pick Up Fact: Alcohol has magical powers. It can turn a
loveseat into a bed.
Pick Up Line: Babe, I know how to spell relief.
Come-On: Hey baby, my only dream role is being with you.
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, are you a Broadway play? 'Cause
I can't stop reviewing you.
Pick Up Line: Hey babe, if you were a script, I would never
want to go off-book.
Pick Up Line: Hey big guy, are you the stage manager? 'Cause
when you're around, everything just makes sense.
Chat Up Line: Hey there, are you my light crew? 'Cause you
light up my life.
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, are you an audition? 'Cause you're
making me sweat.
Come-On: Hey there, are you the cast list? 'Cause I can't
stop looking at you.
Pick Down Line: It's okay. I've seen that trick
before... |
Actor Jokes and Hammy Humor | Mime
LOLs | Magician Jokes | Musician
Puns | Artist Jokes |
Corny Pick-Up Lines | Cheesy
Pick Up Lines | 2 | Animal
Pick Up Lines | Arty Hipster
Hookups |
| Banker Lines | Bar
Come Ons | Chef Chat Ups |
Colorado Come Ons | Daily
Lines | Farm Flirts |
| Gardener Chat Ups | Gnome
Pick Ups | Gym Hookups | Locksmith
Openers | Music Hook Lines
| Pirate Hookup Lines | Police
Pick Ups | 2 | Robot
Pick-Up Lines | Scary Monster Pick
Up Lines |
| Science Fiction Pick Ups | Scientist
Flirt Ups | Sick Come Ons |
Sports Lines | Travel
Hookups |
| Superhero Pick-Up Lines |
2 | Batman
Chat Ups | The Hulk Hookups
| Superman Come-Ons |
| Thespian Lines | Weed
Hookups | 2 | 3
| VD Day Come Ons | Winter
Picks | Xmas Chat Ups | 2
| Dating Jokes | Dating
App LOLs | Relationship Jokes
| Lover Jokes, Love Puns |
Sex Bot Jokes |
| Marriage Jokes, Engaging Wedding Humor
| Divorce Jokes | Breakup
Jokes, Dateless Puns |
| Guy Jokes, Man Humor | Lady
Jokes, Woman Puns | Family Humor,
Mom Puns, and Dad Jokes |

reacted this far,
so here's even more hammy humor,
staged jokes,
canned laughter and dramatic
painful puns to pick up
today's script:
Painful Puns, Groaner Jokes, and Unanswered Riddles...
Blonde Jokes | Beefy
Jokes | Beer Jokes | Colorado
Jokes | Fit Puns | Friday
Jokes | Gym Jokes | Hair
Jokes |
| Hipster Humor | Magic
Puns | Mile High Club Jokes
| Music Jokes | Pirate
Puns | Police Jokes | Psychic
Jokes |
| Saturday Jokes | Sci-Fi
Jokes | Seasonal Puns | Sports
Jokes | Travel Jokes | Vampire
Jokes | Weed Jokes |
for stopping by and see you again soon!
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