Q. What was the bery 1st Ford auto called? A. The Model T-Rex.   PainfulPuns.com - Animal Puns, Wildlie Humor, Beary Funny Jokes!

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Q Where does a T-Rex sit when he visits? A. Anywhere he wants!
q. Who makes authentic prehistoric reptile clothes? A. A Dino-Sewer!

Q. What do you call an exploding dinosaur? A. Dino-ite!
Q. Why are only old dinosaur bones in the museum? A. There aren't any new ones.
Q. Which dinosaur slept all day? A. The Dino-Snore.
Q. which is a dinosaur's least favorite reindeer? a. Comet!
Q. What do you call a one=eyed dinosaur? A. Eye-Saur!


Tyrannosaurus Jokes, He-Rex Puns, She-Rex LOLs
Laugh Jurassic off with T-Reeks puns, small arms humor, Tease Rex LOLs and Tyrant-o-saur jokes.

T-Rex Jokes, Dinosaur Humor, Tee Wrecks Puns
(Because Tyrannosaurus Flex Jokes and Pre Reqs Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream for Laugh-Loving He-He-Rex!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Tyrannosaurus Tex jokes, reX-rated T-Sex LOLs, and T.P. Rex puns ahead.
| Dinosaur Jokes and Jurassic Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Archaeology Jokes and Paleontology Puns |
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q. What do you call a dinosaur at a rodeo? A. Tyrannosaurus Tex.
Q. What was the most flexible dinosaur? A. Tyrannosaurus Flex!
Q. How do you ask a dinosaur out to lunch? A. Tea Rex?

Q. Which kind of dinosaur had a mohawk do on his head?
A. Mr. T-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs were always being victimized by vampires?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Necks.

Q. What do you call a feninist dinosaur?
A. She-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs were the comedians of the Cretaceous Period?
A. He-He-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was afraid of the ancestors of mice?
A. Eek-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur was a real booger to coexist with?
A. Snot-T Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was a weightlifter?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Pecs.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur smelled really bad?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Reeks.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs invented the game of golf?
A. Tee-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was extremely double-jointed?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Flex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur had a really bad dandruff problem?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Flecks.

Q. Whis unique dinosaur was truly one of a kind?
A. Novel-T Rex.

Q. What did the guy at the deli counter say to the dinosaur?
A. Tyrannosaurus, Next.

Q. What did T-Rex like to snack on?
A. Dino s'mores.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was an opera singer?
A. Mii-Mi-Mi-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur took several naps every day?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Rest.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs never consumed coffee?
A. Tea-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur was a compulsive over-eater?
A. Obesity Rex.

Q. what do you get when dinosaurs crash cars? A. Tyrannosaurus Wrecks!

Q. What do
T-Rex and a redneck have
in common?

A. Both like
small arms.

Q. What were prehistoric sailing disasters called? A. Tyrannosaurus Wrecks.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was a real hot head?
A. Steam-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was the first creature to use cannabis?
A. Weed-Rex.

Q. Which kind of bewitching dinosaur conjured up spells?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Hex.

Dino-Mighty Dinosaur Hookup Line: Bae, did you ever wonder how T-rex make babies? By having T-sex. Want to try some?

Q. Which do you call a dinosaur whose name changed when she got married?
A. Nee-Rex.

Q. What do you call a deadly killer dinosaur?
A. Morrality Rex.

Inadequate Dinosaur Pick-Up Line: Sure babe, I'm a T-Rex and my arms are short, but guess what? I really make up for it elsewhere!

Q. Which kind of small-armed dinosaur enjoyed practice shooting?
A. Skeet-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs were religious cult leaders?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Sects.

Q. Which well-dressed dinosaur wore a sleeveless jacket?
A. Tyrannosaurus Vest.

Q. Which is an oppresive dinosaur leader called?
A. Tyrant-o-saurus.

Q. Which wicked dinosaur smelled the worst?
A. Shit-T Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur always pissed everybody off?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Vex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur could never be kept captive in a zoo?
A. Free-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur species thrived in any environment?
A. Teem-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur enjoyed fishing for Kraken?
A. Sea-Rex.

Q. Which Jurassic dinosaur was the branch manager?
A. Tree-Rex.

Q. Which aggressive dinosaur was most prone to wage war?
A. Hostility Rex.

Q. What do you call a T-Rex in a fight with an Indominus Rex?
Q. Which dinosaur smashed everything in its path? A. Tyranosaurus Wrecks!
Q. Why didn't the T-Rex skeleton attack museum patrons? A. Because he had no guts!

Q. Which dinosaur species roamed the world before T-Rex?
A. Pre-Rex.

Q. Which Jurassic dinosur took the longest journeys
A. T-Treks.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was always kidding around?
A. Tease-Rex.

Q. What was T-Rex's pet name for his She-Rex?
A. Dinah.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur charged all of the others?
A. Fee-Rex.

Q. What did T-Rex use to build furniture for his new house?
A. A dino-saw.

Q. Which type of dinosaur was merely imaginary?
A. Dream-Rex.

Jurassic Chat Up Line: Hey Dinah, I'd be a tyrannosaurus wreck if I was a dinosaur living without you in my era.

Jurassic Park Hookup Line: Yo baby, I'm going to Tyrannosaurus Wreck that ass when we get home.

Q. What did Jurassic Era creatures call the leader of the dinosaur kingdom?
A. Thee Rex.

Q. Which athletic dinosaur spent a lot of time sitting on the sidelines?
A. Penalty Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur habitually tore up hardwood trees?
A. Teak Rex.

Q. How did T-Rex feel after he was reassembled at the museum ­ and then woke up?
A. Puzzled.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs were rated for general audiences?
A. G-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur was guaranteed college entrance?
A. Pre-Reqs.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was just an average student in school?
A. C-Rex.

Q. What did the pterodactyl teacher call the dumb T-Rex student?
A. Dunno-saur.

Q. How do you catch a Novel-T Rex?
A. Unique up on him.

Q. What do you call a dinosaur that wears cowboy boots? A. tyrannosaurus Tex.

Q. What did
He-Rex call
the slutty

Dina Whore.

Q. What's the best way to talk to a T-Rex? A Long distance!

Q. Which kind of dinosaur played well with others?
A. Team-Rex.

Q. What do you call a dark and deadly T-Rex movie?
A. Dino Noir.

Q. Which dinosaur species has deep blue-green feathers?
A. Teal-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs grooved to disco music?
A. Bee Gees-Rex.

Q. What do you call the most famous dinosaur of all time?
A. Celebrity Rex.

Q. Who served drinks to T-Rex and his buds at the bar?
A. The dino pourer.

Q. Which Jurassic dinosaur first practiced martial arts?
A. Tai Chi Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur was a famous porn star back in the day?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Sex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was a big flirt that never put out?
A. Tease-Rex.

Q. How did tech savvy dinosaurs message each other?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Texts.

Jurassic Pick-Up Line: Yo yo baby, I'd be a Tyrannosaurus wreck if you said no to a steamy date with me.

Q. What does a dinosaur call his mate after the divorce?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Ex.

Q. Which dinosaur was the hottest?
A. Toast-T Rex.

Dinosaur Hookup Line: Well hello there Dinah. You want to know more about Tyrannosaurus sex?

Q. Which kind of dinosaur routinely practiced voodoo?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Hex.

Q. Which dinosaur did all the others avoid on the playground?
A. Cootie Rex.

Q. What is another name for Tyrannosaurus Rex myths?
A. Dino lore.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was self-centered and selfish?
A. Me-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaurs were the locksmiths of their day?
A. Key-Rex.

Q. How did the dinosaurs pay their bills 65-million years ago?
A. With Tyrannosaurus checks.

Q. Which dinosaur was infested by biting bugs?
A. Flea Rex.

Q. Which kind
of dinosaur
suffered from incontinence?

A. Pee-Rex.

Q. Why did the T-Rex cross the road? A. because chickens hadn't evolved yet!

Q. Which type
of dinosaur
was a real
party pooper?

A. T.P. Rex.

Q. What did paleontologists mane the newly discovered dinosaur species that was always pregnant?
A. PG-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur species had the best vision?
A. See-Rex.

Q. What do paleontologists call a T-Rex with a stye?
A. An Eye-saur.

Q. Which near-sighted dinosaur needed corrective lenses?
A. T-Specs.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was the ancestor of mammals?
A. Teet-Rex.

Q. What did Tyrannosaurus call his firstborn son?
A. Wee Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur was a below average student?
A. D Rex.

Q. Which fierce dinosaur was never a sure bet?
A. Might-T Rex?

Q. Which dinosaur was the distant ancestor of all chickens?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Pecks.

Q. Which species of dinosaur populated the Baja Penninsula?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Mex.

Q. Which dinosaur always ran away from threatening situations?
A. Flee Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur was exceptionally gifted at niche tasks?
A. Special-T Rex.

Q. What would you get if you crossed a tyrannosaurus with a pig?
A. A dino-boar.

Q. Which dinosaur is the ancestor of modern pigs?
A. Porkosaurus-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur species liked to hang out in the meadow all day?
A. Lea-Rex.

Q. Why wouldn't the T-Rex bartender serve the pterodactyl?
A. 'Cause it was a minor-saur.

Q. Which dinosaur was a famous Blackjack dealer in Las Vegas?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Decks.

Q. Which type of dinosaurs were the first to celebrate Halloween?
A. Treat-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was the most playful and fun-loving?
A. Whee-Rex.

Q. Which kind of dinosaur was an apiarist?
A. Bee-Rex.

Q. What's a dinosaur wearing a ten-gallon hat called?
A. Tyrannosaurus Tex.

Q. Where did T-Rex get all of his clothes?
A. From a dino-sewer.

Q. Which dinosaur was the happiest member of a singing group?
A. Glee-Rex.

Q. Which dinosaur understood what was happeneing when the meteor struck?
A. Gravity Rex.

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