T-Rex Jokes, Dinosaur Puns, Triceratops Humor
the past with dino-sore puns, ex-stinked humor, dino roars and Tyrant-o-saurus
Dinosaur Jokes, Jurassic Puns, Tyrannosaurus
(Because Mr. T Rex Jokes and
Dunno-Saur Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream When
It's Time To Tyrannosaurus Rest!) |
Proceed with Caution! Die-NO-saur jokes, T.P. Rex laughs, small
arms humor and Pee Rex puns ahead.
| Dinosaur Jokes and Jurassic Puns
| 2 | 3
| 4 | 5
| 6 | Archaeology
Jokes and Paleontology Puns |
| Museum Jokes | Caveman
Laughs | Bigfoot Jokes | Woolly
Mammoth Jokes | Reptile Humor
| Lizard LOLs | Croc
Jokes, Gator Puns | Turtle Jokes,
Tortoise Puns | Smake Jokes
| Bird Puns |
Q. What do T-Rex and a redneck have in common?
A. Both like their small arms.
Which kind of dinosaurs were rated for general audiences?
A. G-Rex.
Which kind of bewitching dinosaur conjured up spells?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Hex. |
Which kind of dinosaur had a really bad dandruff problem?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Flecks.
Which kind of dinosaur suffered from incontinence?
A. Pee-Rex.
What was green and gooey, and hung from prehistoic palm
trees in Jurassic Park?
A. Dinosaur snot.
Q. Why are dinosaurs no longer around today?
A. 'Cause their eggs stink.
Which is an oppresive dinosaur leader called?
A. Tyrant-o-saurus.
Q. Which do you call a dinosaur whose name changed when
she got married?
A. Nee-Rex. |
Q. What did the Triceratops sit on?
A. A cockroach, an ant hill, and his Tricera-bottom.
Which kind of dinosaurs grooved to disco music?
A. Bee Gees-Rex.
Who served drinks to T-Rex and his buds at the bar?
A. The dino pourer. |
Whch kind of prehistoric animal suffered from sleep apnea?
A. The Bronchial-snore-us.
What did paleontologists mane the newly discovered dinosaur
species that was always pregnant?
A. PG-Rex.
What did the pterodactyl teacher call the dumb T-Rex student?
A. Dunno-saur.
Which Jurassic creature survived the asteroid strike?
A. The die-NO-saur.
Which dinosaur was a real party pooper?
A. T.P. Rex.
Why did the dinosaur take a shower after the meteor stuck?
A. To become ex-stinked. |
Q. Which kind of dinosaur had a mohawk do on his head?
A. Mr. T-Rex.
Which dinosaur was a famous Blackjack dealer in Las Vegas?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Decks.
What are stegosaurus screams called?
A. Dino roars. |
Which kind of dinosaur was a big flirt that never put out?
A. Tease-Rex.
What was T-Rex's pet name for his She-Rex?
A. Dinah.
Which kind of dinosaur took several naps every day?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Rest.
Q. What did T-Rex use to build furniture for his new house?
A. A dino-saw.
Where did the Supersaurus go shopping?
A. The dino-store.
Which Jurassic era animal had glossy feathers?
A. The Shine-osaur. |
Horny Jurassic Hookup Line: Hey girl, do you prefer triceratops
or tricerabottoms?
What did Tyrannosaurus call his firstborn son?
A. Wee Rex.
Which Jurassic creature's bones were recently dscovered
near Hong Kong?
A. The China-saur. |
Which species of dinosaurs populated the Baja Penninsula?
A. Tyrannosaurus-Mex.
Which dinosaur species liked to hang out in the meadow all
A. Lea-Rex.
What did apatosaurus farmers plant to grow Jurassic mushrooms?
A. Dino spores.
Q. What did paleontologists say when the fossilized egg
they discovered blew up?
A. Dino-mite!
What do you have if you've only got the back bones of a
A. A spine-o-saur.
Dinosaur Hookup Line: Bae, did you ever wonder how T-rex
make babies? By having T-sex. Want to try some? |
Pick Up a Dinosaur Line: Yo handsome, you're at the Tricera-top
of my hot hit list.
Hookup Line: Hey baby, StegosaurME and StegosaurYOU should
go out on a date because StegosaurUS. |
Q. Where did the Allosaurus go sight-seeing in Colorado
and Utah?
A. Dinosaur National Monument.
Chat Up Line: Hey there big momma, you sure do put the All
in Allosaurus!
Q. Which dinosaur species cussed out all the others?
A. The Bronto-swore-us.
Which kind of dinosaur charged all of the others?
A. Fee-Rex. |
Archaeology Jokes and Paleontology
Puns | Museum Jokes , Exhibit Puns
| Caveman Jokes |
| Dinosaur Jokes | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6
| Snake Humor | 2
| 3 | Frog
Jokes and Toad Puns | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5
| Lizard Laughs | Crocodile
Jokes, Gator Puns | Turtle Jokes,
Tortoise Puns | 2 | 3
| Reptile Humor |
| Insect Jokes, Bug Puns, Entomology LOLs
| 2 | 3
| 4 | 5
| Bee Jokes, Hive Humor, Wasp LOLs
| 2 |
| Butterfly Jokes, Moth Puns, Caterpillar
LOLs | Housefly Jokes | Spider
Jokes, Arachnid Puns | 2
Gorilla Jokes, Big Ape Puns | 2
| 3 | Bigfoot
Jokes | Sasquatch Jokes | Colorado
Bigfoot Jokes |
| Chimpanzee Puns | Monkey
Jokes | 2 | 3
4 | Stoner
Monkeys | Animal Potheads | Animal
Bar |
| Elephant Jokes | Lion
Jokes, Big Cat Puns | African
Safari Animal Jokes | Kangaroo
Jokes |
| Bat Jokes | Owl
Jokes, Owl-ful Puns | Wolf
Jokes | Marine Mammal Jokes and Sealife
Puns |
| Bear Jokes | Deer
Jokes | Mouse Jokes, Rat Puns
| Rabbit Jokes, Hare Puns | Animal
Poop Puns |
| Vet Jokes | Scary
Animal Jokes | Animal Music Jokes
| Animal Pick-Up Lines | Xmas
Animals |
| Duck Puns | Goose
Jokes | Fish Jokes | Finny
Fish Puns | Sports Animal Jokes
| Bronco Puns |
| Wild Animal Jokes | Colorado
Wildlife | Farm Animals | Pet
Animal Puns | Animal Crime Jokes
enjoying this blast from the past,
so here's more ferocious laughter,
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painful puns that hit the spot:
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Jokes | Colorado Jokes | Explosion
LOLs | Galactic Grins | Head
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| Music Humor | Nose
Jokes | Plumber Jokes | Police
Puns | Psychic Laughs | Redneck
Jokes | Sci-Fi Jokes |
| Seasonal Puns | Sports
Jokes | Stinky Jokes | Sun
Puns | Toilet Paper Jokes
| USA State Humor | Weather
Jokes |
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