Q. What do you call a sloppy hippo? A. A Hippopota-mess!   PainfulPuns.com - Animal Puns, Wildlie Humor, Beary Funny Jokes!

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Q. What do you call a hippo that's ahead of its time A. A Hippo-ster!
Q. What do you call a hippo with wings? a. Hippo-thetical!


Hippopotami Jokes, Big LOLs, River Horse Humor
Graze along on hungry hippo humor, hefty hippopota-mass puns, and hippopota-minus jokes.

Hippo Jokes, Hippopotamus Puns, Bloat Laughs
(Because Hip Ho Puns and Hippo Active Puns Could Never Be TOO Mainstream for a Crash of River Horse Lovers!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Quip-opotamus jokes, hippopota-mist humor, and hemp-o-pot-amus puns ahead.
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Q. What do you call a hippo debutante? a. A hipppotamiss!Q. What do you call a hippo poser? A.. An imhippo=ster!Q. What do you call a hippo that always thinks he's sick? A. Hippochondriac!

Q. What do you call a sassy teenaged hippo?
A. Lip-opotamus.

Q. What do you call a comedian hippo that tells funny one-liners?
A. Quip-opotamus.

Q. What do you call the fashionable hippo that's always the last to get to the finish line?
A. Hip-slow-potamus.

Q. What do you have when you've lost one hippo from the herd?
A. Hippopota-minus.

Q. What do you get if you implant cybernetics into a hippo?
A. A hippo-bot-amus.

Q. What do you get when you cross a hipster with a hippo?
A. A hep-popotamus.

Q. What do you call a fast-talking hippo that cheats you?
A. Gyp-opotamus.

Q. What do you call a bloat of hippos wearing Pope hats?
A. Hippopota-mitres.

Q. What do you call a hippo with a nasty case of diarrhea?
A. Hippo-trot-a-mess.

Q. Which condition slows down hippos in old age?
A. Hippopota-rust.

Q. What sort of parasitic insects prey on bloats of hippos?
A. Hippopota-mites.

Q. What is it called when a hippo has fainted?
A. Limp-opotamus.

Q. what do you call a long-haired hippopotamus? a. a Hippie!Q. What do hippos make when they form a band? A. Hippopotamus-ic1Q. What do you call a hippo that says one thing but does another? A. Hippo-crite!

Q. What do you call a hippo that found some magic mushrooms?
A. Trippy-potamus.

Q. What is an Edgar Allan hippo?
A. A Hip-Poe-potamus.

Q. What do you call a hippo that's a poet's inspiration?
A. Hippopota-muse.

Q. What do you get if you cross a hippo with Maya Angeou?
A. Hip-poem-potamus.

Q. Which kind of hippo likes to play heavenly music?
A. A Harp-opotamus.

Q. What do you call a dancing hippo that takes it all off?
A. Stripper-potamus.

Q. What is a hippo dominatrix called?
A. Whip-opotamus.

Q. What is a Hip Ho?
A. A hippopotamus hooker.

Q. What sort of error do you get if you cross a tiger with a hippopotamus?
A. A ti-po.

Q. What do you call a hippo with a negative attitude?
A. Hip-NO-potamus.

Q. What do you call a hippo that goes, "Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck?"
A. Hip-Moe-potamus.

Q. What do you call the shortest hippo?
A. Hip-low-potamus.

Q. What happens when hippos get too cold? A. They get hippo-thermia!Q. How can you get a hippo to do whatever you want? a. Hipp-Mo-Tise Him!Q. What is a hungry hippo's favorite dessert? a. Hippopotomousse!

Q. How do you describe a hippopotamus that is in constant motion?
A. Hippo active.

Q. What do you call a hippo that moves along very quickly?
A. Zip-opotamus.

Q. What is a hyper active hippo called?
A. Hip-GO-potamus.

Q. What do you get if you cross a hippo with a kangaroo?
A. Hoppopotamus.

Q. What do you call a hippo that's lost in the fog?
A. Hippopota-mist.

Q. What do you call a hippo that nurses one beer all night long?
A. Sip-opotamus.

Q. What do you call the hippo in Las Vegas that's playing the one-armed bandit?
A. Hippo-slot-amus.

Q. What is a bankrupt hippo called?
A. Hip-poor-potamus.

Q. What do hyenas call the hippo who fell due to a banana peel?
A. Slip-opotamus.

Q. What do you get when you cross a hippo with a house cat?
A. Hippo-pet-amus.

Q. What do you get if you cross a hippo with a peach tree?
A. Hippo-pit-amus.

Q. What do you get if you feed a hippo CBD oil?
A. Hemp-o-pot-amus.

Q. What do you call a horny hippo? a. A hippoputalust!Q. What do you call an art statue of a hippo? A. a hippopotabust!Q. What is the goal of weight-training hippos? a. Hippopotamuscles!

Q. What do hippos call something they absolutely need?
A. A hippopota-must.

Q. What do he hippos call the sexy lady hippette?
A. Hippo-hot-amus.

Q. How do you say "menage a trois" in hippo speak?
A. Hippopota-tryst.

Q. What do you call a bloat of hippos prospecting for gold?
A. Hippopota-miners.

Q. Which hippo is the spiritual father of the hippopota-masses?
A. Hip-Pope-potamus.

Q. What do you call the hippo that was torn to shreds by a pack of hyenas?
A. Rip-opotamus.

Q. What do you say to a hippo when you want it to stop?
A. Hip-whoa-potamus.

Q. What do you get when you cross hippos with Paris street performers?
A. Hippopota-mimes.

Q. What do you call a hippo with a big butt?
A. Hippo-bottom-us.

Q. What do you call a hippo skiing at Vail?
A. Hippo-slalom-us.

Q. What is a young hippo called?
A. Hippo-tot-amus.

Q. How does a cow describe just how powerful large bull hippos are?
A. Hippopota-might.

Q. Which hippo is an Olympics gymnast?
A. Flip-opotamus.

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