Q. Which side of a leopard has the most spots? a. The outside!   PainfulPuns.com - Animal Puns, Wildlie Humor, Beary Funny Jokes!

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Q. Why didn't the leopard cross the road? A. So he wouldn't be spotted!
Hypnotic leopard says: Happy CXaturdaze!

Cheetah says: Happy Caturday!


Spotted Cat Hunor, Jaguar Jokes, Ocelot Puns
Run wild with racy cheetah puns, ocelot LOLs, spotty jag-wart jokes and spotless leopard laughs.

Leopard Jokes, Cheetah Puns, Spotty Cat Humor
('Cause Jag-Warped Jokes and Camouflaged Cat Puns Could Never Be TOO Mainstream When They Hit the Spot!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Dark jag-noir jokes, spotless humor, rosette cat LOLs and oce-latte puns ahead.
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Leopards detest cheesy puns because they hat spotty humor!Cheetahs hate cheesy puns because they can spot a bad joke a mile away!Q. Why can't leopards easily escape from the zoo?  A. Because they're always spotted!

Q. What did the leopard at the zoo say after eating a hot dog?
A. Yum, that really hit the spot.

Q. Why are black panthers so much stealthier than cheetahs and leopards?
A. Because they're never spotted.

Q. What do you call a demented wild cat comedian who tells twisted jokes?
A. Jag-warped.

Q. Why did the leopard go to the eye doctor?
A. Because she was seeing spots.

Q. Why shouldn't you ever play poker in the jungle?
A. There are too many cheetahs there.

Q. Why was the spotted cat disqualified from the Olympics?
A. He was a confirmed Cheetah.

Q. Which spotted wild cat is the epitomy of good energy flow?
A. The Chi-tah.

Q. Whatis a female cheetah called?
A. She-tah.

Q. What happens after a leopard takes a long shower?
A. He's spotless!

Q. Why did the leopard wear a striped shirt?
A. So he wouldn't be spotted!

Q. What did the leopard say after finishing dinner?
A. That really hit the spot.

Q. What sound did the newborn baby spotted wild cat make?
A. He leo-purred.

Q. Which big cat should you never play cards with? A. A cheetah!A fat cat lost everything counting cards at the casino because cheetahs never prosper!Q. What did the leopard say after eating the trophy  hunter? a. Man, that hit the spot!

Q. What do you call a lion cat that dresses in leopard print camouflage?
A. A big cheetah!

Q. What do you call a waivering wild cat that's never on time?
A. Oce-late.

Q. What do you call a stoner cheetah pothead?
A. Cheetoast.

No Lion Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, you can trust me, 'cause I'm not a cheetah.

Q. What did the puma say to the jaguar at the poker party?
A. I'd be lion if I said I was a cheetah.

Q. What can you use to find cheetahs in the jungle?
A. A lion detector.

Q. How do you refer to a male cheetah?
A. He-tah.

Q. What was the name of King Arthur's pet wild cat?
A. Sir Ocelot.

Q. Why did the little leopard always lose at Hide 'N Go Seek?
A. 'Cause he was always spotted.

Q. What do you call a bad event involving leopards, jaguars, and cheetahs?
A. A catastrophe!

Q. What do leopards enjoy every afternoon?
A. A spot of tea.

Q. Which kind of flowers do cheetahs, leopards, and ocelots like best?
A. Rosettes.

Q. How does a leopard change his spots? A. He just picks up and moves!Q. What do you get if you cross a leopard and a sheep? A. A polka dot sweater!Q. Why don't leopards play hide-and-go-seek? a. Because they're always spotted!

Q. What do you get when you cross a jaguar with a woolly mammoth?
A. A fast car with a big trunk and shag carpeting.

Q. What do you get if you cross a jaguar with a tick?
A. Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Q. What do you get if you cross a donkey with a Central American wild cat?
An ass-elot.

Q. Whiich kind of dam is built by Central American wild cats?
A. A jag weir.

Q. Which side of a snow leopard has the most spots?
A. The outside.

Q. What do you get when you cross a jaguar with a sheep?
A. A woolly fast car.

Q. What do you get if you cross a Central American wild cat with the Wolfman?
A. A jag-were.

Q. Which South American wild cats are built for battle?
A. Jag-wars.

Q. What do you call a cheetah running a Xerox machine?
A. A copy cat.

Q. What do you get if you cross a South American wild cat with a frog?
A. A jag-wart.

Q. What did the wild cat order at the coffee house in Central America?
A. Oce latte.

Q. Where do cheetahs, ocelots, and leopards get their favorite digital music?
A. Spotify.

Did you hear about the swank shop that corries only faux animal skins? It's called Hide and Chic!Q. What happened to the leopard that bathed before each meal? A. After a wek, he was spotless!Q. Which animal is bad to sit by when taking a test? A. The cheetah!

Q. What did the blonde zookeeper want to name the new baby leopard?
A. Spot.

Q. How can a leopard change his spots?
A. By Moving

Q. Why aren't there any fugitive leopards on the lam?
A. Because they're always spotted.

Q. What do you call a South American wild cat that plays a dark role in the movies?
A. Jag Noir.

Q. Why did the spotted cat, who was counting cards, lose at Black Jack?
A. 'Cause cheetahs never prosper!

Q. Which big cat should you never bet against?
A. A Cheetah!

Q. What kind of track record does a racy jaguar hold?
A. Spotty

Q. What kind of a car does a jaguar drive?
A. A Furrari.

Q. Why shouldn't you golf in the jungle?
A. There are too many cheetahs there.

Wild Gardening Trivia: Did you know the cheetah is faster dandelion?

Q. Why won't cheetahs eat Cheetos snacks?
A. 'Cause Chester is so cheesy.

Q. Why do African spotted cats have such a high divorce rate?
A. 'Cause they're all cheetahs!

Q. What is a blonde cheetah called?
A. A Chee, DUH!

| Leopard Jokes, Cheetah Puns | Lynx LOLs | Tiger Puns | Wildcat Puns | Lion Jokes | 2 | Zoo Jokes |
| Elephant Jokes | 2 | Giraffe Jokes | Hippo Puns | 2 | Safari Animal Jokes | Kangaroo Jokes | 2 1 3 |
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| Wolf Jokes | 2 | 3 | Fox Puns | Mouse Jokes, Rat Puns | Rabbit Jokes, Hare Puns | Yak Jokes | 2 |
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| Gorilla Jokes, Big Ape Puns | 2 | 3 | Bigfoot Jokes | Sasquatch Jokes | Colorado Bigfoot Jokes |
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